Palisades Middle School

Foreign Language Standards




FL Selection


Course Information

Listening, speaking, reading and writing are the goals of the foreign language program.  The daily activities and assignments planned by the teacher guide the student to achieving success in each goal, as well as developing an understanding of others.  Many classroom activities will involve you in partner and small group work. It is important students learn in an environment, where students cooperate and interact positively.  

As student in German, you will need to accept responsibility for paying attention in class, following directions carefully, participating in class activities, staying on task and trying to do all written and oral work assigned.  Good study habits are essential and will aid you in learning German, but remember they require effort and organization on your part.  

Set your goals high and keep up with your work.  Aim for excellence in all you do.  If you have problems or concerns, see your teacher immediately.  Extra help is available, just ask.

An organized, neat and complete notebook is a valuable study tool.  You are required to keep a comprehensive notebook, which will be collected after each unit test and counted as a quiz grade.  Included in the notebook will be vocabulary study guide sheets, notes, quizzes and corrections, and any homework or papers designated by your teacher.  All required papers and notes must be fastened in a bound 3 ring notebook, to be used only for German class.  For specifics, refer to your notebook format sheet.

Class Participation  
Speaking German is a critical component; thus, care and attention must be given to your oral communication.  Listen carefully and take an active role in class.  Partner exercises and dialogs/role plays will be an integral part of our class work.  You will be assessed on your participation, willingness to use German, attitude and effort.  Learning German is active, not passive.

Independent assignments will be prescribed to review, practice and preview material and themes.  The thoughtful completing of homework is integral to your success and will be assigned daily.  Expect to spend at least 30 minutes per night on German.  Homework is graded by a check or a "0".  To receive a check, your homework must be complete, legible and neatly done in ink or pencil.  If your homework is incomplete, late or not done, you will receive a "0".  Assignments reviewed in class must be corrected accurately.  At the end of each marking period the homework will be graded on a percentage basis.  (49 of 50 assignments = 98% test grade)

Both announced and unannounced quizzes will be given to evaluate your mastery of the objectives.  Quizzes will focus on vocabulary growth, listening, speaking, dictation, grammatical structure, reading and culture.

Written unit tests will evaluate your long term mastery of listening, reading, writing, key vocabulary, structure and culture.

Your marking period grade will be based upon the following:  10% homework; 10% class participation, 5% notebook, 75% quizzes and tests.

Bonus Points
You will be given the opportunity to earn extra credit via enrichment assignments and in class assignments, which are teacher directed.

Absence due to illness
Your attendance in class is crucial to your success in German.  However, if you are absent from class, contact your selected classmate for your assignments.  See your teacher to make up quizzes, tests and missed work.  A reasonable time limit will be set to make up the required work.

Final exams are required of all students.  Your exam will be comprehensive.

Classroom Portfolio
Each student will maintain a German portfolio containing tests, oral proficiency assessments, writing samples and projects.  All portfolios will be housed in the German classroom.

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Foreign Language Project

Task:  Students will enrich and personalize their experience in the foreign language and culture by creating a model/display and writing a report which both demonstrate an understanding of a cultural concept that relate to his or her language of study.

Requirements: use the below as a check list when submitting your project.
1.  Create a model or display which:
______ ¦ is culturally authentic (meets specific guidelines set)
______ ¦ shows evidence of 5 - 8 hours of preparation
______ ¦ represents a cultural concept for the students’ language of study
2. Prepare a written report which includes a:
______ ¦ cultural explanation (minimum of 1 page in length) detailing how the project exemplifies the foreign culture and explaining the importance of the concepts recreated and demonstrated in the project
(Please note: This is not a written report telling/describing how you went about making the model or display, but rather a report based on facts and research.)
______ ¦ bibliography
(using accurate format to cite sources - refer to Write 2000 text.)

Deadlines for all model/displays:
November 10th (Friday) - submit the attached project specification sheet explaining the proposed project and indicating parent consent. This form will be used to gain teacher approval of the project.
December 4th (Monday) - due date of projects for students electing to make a piñata, gingerbread house, and French Noel project.
February 1st (Thursday) - due date for all other projects which are not holiday or food related.
March 1st (Thursday) - due date for all projects which are foods.

Deadlines for the written report:
Dec. 20th - Outline due (to be graded as a homework assignment)
January 10th - rough draft due (to be graded as a homework assignment)
January 18th - final draft due*
When submitting the final draft of the written report, also attach the rough draft with revisions and the outline.

The project model/display will be equivalent to one 100 point test, averaged as part of the third quarter Foreign Language grade. See the attached scoring rubrics for criteria to be considered in grading. The written report will be equivalent to a 50 point test, averaged as part of the third quarter Foreign Language grade. The Pennsylvania writing assessment domain scoring guide will be used for grading the written report.


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Student work

The student work pictured below was completed by 8th grade German level I students.

Gingerbread Houses



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