Palisades Middle School

Foreign Language Standards




FL Selection


Course Information

  1. LISTENING - understand/comprehend various styles of spoken language.
  2. SPEAKING - communicate effectively to express ideas (pronunciation, intonation, accent, vocabulary, grammar).
  3. READING - understand/comprehend various styles of written language.
  4. WRITING - communicate effectively in writing to express ideas (vocabulary, grammar, spelling.)
  5. CULTURE - develop an appreciation of and a tolerance for other people and their cultures.

Assessment  Your quarter grade will reflect your ability to demonstrate and apply knowledge in listening, speaking,  reading, writing, and culture as reflected in the following:

  1. HOMEWORK - 10%  Be prepared and on time with homework assignments. Credit will be given only if the assignment is completed and with a reasonable degree of accuracy (determined on a per assignment basis.) Assignments with numerous errors will be returned to the student for correction, and then may be resubmitted (in a timely manner) for full credit. It is expected that students will review nightly all material and vocabulary from the day’s lesson, even when there is not written assignment.

  2. QUIZZES - 30%  Numerous quizzes are given throughout a unit. Students are permitted to retake quizzes, and are encouraged to do so when a quiz grade is below an 80%. Quizzes may be retaken before school at 7:15 or during resource period within one week, and before the unit test.

  3. TESTS - 30%  Tests are given at the completion of a chapter. Tests employ reading, writing, and listening skills as well as knowledge of culture.

  4. ORAL PROFICIENCY ACTIVITIES - 30%  For each chapter, students must be able to demonstrate oral proficiency in three areas: 1) read aloud in Spanish with accurate pronunciation and intonation a paragraph related to the content of the chapter; 2) respond in Spanish to statements/questions asked in Spanish by the teacher (within the realm of vocabulary and expressions presented in the chapter); and 3) converse with a partner or monologue on a selected topic from the chapter including specific prompts.
  1. PARTICIPATION - Be attentive, be prepared (textbook - which is covered at all times, notebook, paper, pen or pencil, and homework), and actively participate in all class activities. Be sure to complete all of the previously listed outcome activities (homework, quizzes, tests, and oral proficiency activities.)
  2. NOTEBOOK - Keep and organize a notebook. All papers, practices, pretests, quizzes, homework, and notes should be labeled, dated, and kept in chronological order in a separate course notebook (3 ring binder). All pages must be attached. Notes and important information should be high-lighted. Subject dividers are to be used and labeled to separate chapters. The notebook will be checked at the end of each chapter and given a grade that will be averaged in as a quiz.
  3. MAKE-UPS - Make up all work when missed as a result of class absences. Students can arrange to make up work missed or for extra help before school at 7:15, during resource period, or after school by appointment.  


  1. BUDDY SYSTEM - I strongly encourage students to use the buddy system when help is needed to complete an assignment. Please note that the buddy system does not allow you to copy another student's work to submit as your own, but rather encourages you to work together asking one another questions to help in your comprehension of the assignment or material.
  2. HOMEWORK HOTLINE - Nightly homework assignments will be recorded on the Foreign Language Homework hotline. To access Spanish assignments, phone: 847-5131, Ext. 1327, press 2.
  3. ASSISTANCE VIA E-MAIL - In addition to the above, students may also e-mail me at home nightly to get assistance with homework assignments or work missed. In order to make this system work effectively, I ask that your questions be e-mailed to me prior to 7PM. This will allow me ample time so that I may respond to your questions by 9PM. My e-mail address is:

Classroom Rules

  1. Students should be in the classroom in their seats ready to start at the beginning of the period.
  2. Students should remain in their seat during class. Throwing out paper, sharpening pencils, lav passes must be done before class starts.
  3. Students should remain in their seat until dismissed by the teacher.
  4. Students should be courteous and attentive to classmates and treat each other with respect.

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Foreign Language Project

Task:  Students will enrich and personalize their experience in the foreign language and culture by creating a model/display and writing a report which both demonstrate an understanding of a cultural concept that relate to his or her language of study.

Requirements: use the below as a check list when submitting your project.
1.  Create a model or display which:
______ ¦ is culturally authentic (meets specific guidelines set)
______ ¦ shows evidence of 5 - 8 hours of preparation
______ ¦ represents a cultural concept for the students’ language of study
2. Prepare a written report which includes a:
______ ¦ cultural explanation (minimum of 1 page in length) detailing how the project exemplifies the foreign culture and explaining the importance of the concepts recreated and demonstrated in the project
(Please note: This is not a written report telling/describing how you went about making the model or display, but rather a report based on facts and research.)
______ ¦ bibliography
(using accurate format to cite sources - refer to Write 2000 text.)

Deadlines for all model/displays:
November 10th (Friday) - submit the attached project specification sheet explaining the proposed project and indicating parent consent. This form will be used to gain teacher approval of the project.
December 4th (Monday) - due date of projects for students electing to make a piñata, gingerbread house, and French Noel project.
February 1st (Thursday) - due date for all other projects which are not holiday or food related.
March 1st (Thursday) - due date for all projects which are foods.

Deadlines for the written report:
Dec. 20th - Outline due (to be graded as a homework assignment)
January 10th - rough draft due (to be graded as a homework assignment)
January 18th - final draft due*
When submitting the final draft of the written report, also attach the rough draft with revisions and the outline.

The project model/display will be equivalent to one 100 point test, averaged as part of the third quarter Foreign Language grade. See the attached scoring rubrics for criteria to be considered in grading. The written report will be equivalent to a 50 point test, averaged as part of the third quarter Foreign Language grade. The Pennsylvania writing assessment domain scoring guide will be used for grading the written report.


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Student work

The student work pictured below was completed by 8th grade Spanish level I students.             


dog piñata

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