Palisades High School

Foreign Language Standards




FL Selection


Spanish Club

           Spanish Club kicked off the new 1999-2000 school year with our ice cream "get acquainted" party.  We got to meet the new ninth graders and enjoyed hearing about their activities and how they have adjusted to the high school.  
       In November, Ms. Stirling and her dance partner taught the Spanish Club members how to do some basic salsa steps.  They also put on a dance demonstration.  This was a very popular event and the students have asked for a repeat performance.  
       In February, students will be practicing for the Bucks County Oral Proficiency Contest.  In addition, the French, Spanish, and German clubs will have their annual tri-club scavenger hunt.  One student from each language forms a team and finds clues in each language.  Prizes are awarded for the most clues found.
       In March and April, students from all 3 languages audition and practice for the Rider University Forensic Language Competition in Lawrenceville, NJ.
       In May all 3 clubs will see the Immigration Museum on Ellis Island and the Statue of Liberty. 
       In June, we will have a good-bye to the seniors ice cream party and hear about their plans for college.  Hopefully they will continue with their Spanish!

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Spanish National Honor Society

       In May, inductions will be held for the Spanish National Honor Society.  Students must have a 90 % average, be in Spanish IV or AP Spanish, and have a 3.0 GPA.  They must also have a record of good citizenship and show proof of community/school service and be a member of Spanish Club.

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FL Contests

Oral Proficiency Competitions and Contests

     Palisades students of French, German and Spanish compete in the Bucks County Oral Proficiency Contest sponsored by the Association of Teachers of Foreign Language in Bucks County. In 1999, six of the ten students participating won awards.

     32 highly competitive French, German and Spanish students participate in the Rider University Foreign Language Forensic Tournament in Lawrenceville, New Jersey every May. The tournament features 1600 students from 80 schools in intermediate and advanced level competition in individual and group events. The Palisades team has in recent years won several first, second and third place plaques, which recognize the school with the most wins.

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