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The Art of T. Scott Sayre

Image of the artist in front of a mural

An artist of impressive range and creativity, T. Scott Sayre is also a muralist and sculptor who is best known for his careful research, his use of Renaissance materials and processes to guarantee the longevity of his work, and for his ability to execute large projects uniting history and art.

Mr. Sayre's most widely publicized work is a mural of the American Labor Movement, a forty-five feet long, ten feet tall panorama depicting organized labor from the Civil War to the present.

Scott has recently finished a mural that illustrates the life of Jack London. This mural is now on permanent display in Jack London Square, Oakland, California--next to Heinhold's historic "First and Last Chance Saloon."

Image entitled Home Is...?

Home is...? depicts the human family coming back together, near the opening to a shining new light, after centuries of wandering the Earth in separate guises of race and culture. This painting now enhances the front cover of Creating Democracy In Time by Will Foreman.

Image entitled The Way Home

After Home Is...? appeared on the front cover of Creating Democracy In Time, it was only natural that The Way Home would be selected as the cover art for a companion book, The Universal Model.

Mural entitled: The City of Cupertino

The City of Cupertino: Yesterday, Today, and Tomorrow
[click on image for a larger picture]

Scott Sayre is a master story teller who employs the paintbrush instead of his voice to tell a story in unique ways. He has used video, prints, porcelan plates, posters, and sculpture in conjunction with his murals to further publicize the history of an organization or community. The above two-panel mural, with each panel measuring 7 feet X 8 feet, is housed in the City Hall of Cupertino, California. The Making of a Mural is a fascinating video that documents the painting of Yesterday, Today, and Tomorrow.

Image entitled The Joyful Artist

The joy of another finished project!

Image entitled The Birth of Democracy
[click on image for a larger picture]

Among other innovations, Mr. Sayre has invented a new genre called light sculpture that combines projected light, sculpture, human models, and photography to produce post-modern images of striking brilliance and originality. This one is entitled The Rebirth of Democracy.

Image entitled The Land of Dreams

The Land of Dreams: An image into which you can project your own dreams!

[click on image for a larger picture]

Image entitled The Shadow of History and Meaning

This light sculpture, The Shadow of History and Meaning, is a color plate in the Limited Edition of Creating Democracy In Time

Image entitled The Roamers

The Roamers found a home on the cover of Lost In Dreams, a small book of poetry by Will Foreman that gives voice to the lost spirit of democracy.

Image entitled Think a New World

To the left, a light sculpture entitled Think A New World from the Limited Edition of Creating Democracy In Time

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Most recent update: 21 February 96
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