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Creating Democracy In Time:

A Strategy for Human Survival in the 21st Century

A Brief Description

Creating Democracy In Time, that is, before the general crises projected for the 21st century, ought to be the primary theme as we contemplate the future, according to the author of this book. He develops a theory of the place of democracy in nature and argues that nothing short of a revolution in the way we think about ourselves, our institutions, and our societies will save today's children from enormous tragedies in the first half of the next century.

Mr. Foreman does not shrink from the challenge. He makes bold and specific recommendations for radically improving our democratic processes at every level from the personal relationship through the corporation and nation-state to the United Nations and the world system.

Dramatic proposals for new types of organization, for resolving the nuclear dilemma, and for constructing the future evolution of democratic systems are made in this timely and important new work.

The cover painting and the stone sculpture, light sculpture, and photography for the color plates inside were done especially for this book by the artist/muralist T. Scott Sayre.

T. Scott Sayre lives in the Sierra Foothills with his wife and model, Diana, and their children. Scott also maintains a studio in the Bay Area.

Shakespeare's "The time is out of joint" (Hamlet) provided a theme for the dust cover designed by Will Foreman.

Dr. Foreman lives in the San Francisco Bay Area. He is presently at work on the fifth book in the series On Democracy In Time.

The Pensema Publishing Company publishes literature and art that is deemed by the publisher to be constructive in relation to major problems in the post-modern world. Pensema is an Esperanto word that means having a tendency to think.

All Pensema books are also available from The Center for the Evolution of Democracy, a nonprofit corporation. The Center was established for the purpose of making new ideas about democracy available through literature, art, seminars, and consultative services.

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Most recent update: 24 March 96
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