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Creating Democracy In Time:

A Strategy for Human Survival in the 21st Century

Table of Contents


A New Horizon.....1
A Text for the Revolution.....3
Chapter Outline.....5
Flowers and Old Shoes.....8

CHAPTER 1 A Global View of Democracy....9

Anarchists of the World: Unite?.....12
The Approaching Crises.....15
Overshoot and Collapse.....17
The Democratic Response.....20
The Arguments for Democracy.....21
The Problems of Democracy.....37
Modern "Democracy".....39
Customary Means of Winning.....41
Democracy As "a comforting fiction".....44
A New Approach to Democracy.....47
In Summary.....48

CHAPTER 2 History and the Quest for Meaning.....51

Democracy and Meaning.....52
What is "Human?".....53
A False Sense of Union.....56
The Test of Time.....57
The Origins of Democracy.....57
The Inner Return.....59
The Nietzschean Challenge.....60
The Ultimate Source of Meaning.....65
Democracy Opens The Way.....67
Meaning as History.....69
A Human Interest Story.....71
The Twenty-First Century.....75

CHAPTER 3 A Theory of Democracy.....79

From Chaos to Chaos.....83
Biological and Cultural Evolution.....84
The Origins of Democratic Change.....86
Freedom, Equality, and New Community.....89
Constructing A Theory Of Democracy.....91
The Stages of Democracy.....105
Liberal Democracy.....108
Democracy's Next Steps.....111
Reform Now.....117

CHAPTER 4 Individuals, Families, Groups.....119

The Individual.....125
A Model of the Individual.....128
Syntropic Totems.....131
The Autonomous "Self".....133
Autonomy and Universalization.....135
Rights and Responsibilities.....137
Emotions, Cognitions, and Communications.....139
A Model of Consciousness.....154
Communication and Consciousness.....162
Family As System and Family As Democracy.....168
Democracy and Its Small Systems.....173

CHAPTER 5 Worksites, Corporations, Institutions.....177

Work, Relationships, and Human Purpose.....178
Jobs, Work, and Leisure.....183
Expert Knowledge.....184
The Flow of Work.....188
Extensions of Democracy.....190
Organizational Democracy.....193
Technology, Jobs, and the Worker.....195
Autonomous Worker Cooperatives.....199
Categories and Communities.....201

CHAPTER 6 Local, National, and Regional Government.....203

Creative Politics.....205
Democracy's New Agenda.....209
Two Traditions of Integration.....215
Integrative Government.....216
Integrative Interest Representation.....218
The Size of Democracy.....220
Local and Area Government.....222
National Government.....225
Regional Government.....227
Redesigning Political Leadership.....230
Opening the Government.....232
Evolution of Government.....237

CHAPTER 7 The Syntropic Community: A Crucible for Change?.....241

Creative Politics.....243
The Syntropic Solution.....246
The Motivational Dilemma.....247
Creating a New Politics.....249
The Party of Change is NOT a Political Party.....254
The Idea of a Distributed Community.....255
The Syntropic World System.....257
Small Syntropic Systems.....259
Stages in the Evolution of Syntropic Communities.....260
Description of the Syntropic Community.....262
The Evolution of Individual Personality.....276
Co-evolution of Personality and Political System.....281

CHAPTER 8 United Nations and World Democracy.....285

One or Many?.....285
Creating a Multicultural World Democracy.....288
World Law.....294
Creating the New World System.....296
On the Importance of "Syntropy" and "Spirit".....302

Epilogue.....A City Lost In Dreams.....307

Appendix 1 Deep Evolution.....319

A General Theory of Evolution.....319
Information, Decision, and Social Control.....323
(1) Chaos.....325
(2) Extropic process.....326
(3) Associative process.....327
(4) Analogical process.....328
(5) Schematic process....330
(6) Rational-Analytic.....331
(7) Dialectical-Systemic.....333
(8) Syntropic.....334

Appendix 2 Syntropic Living Skills.....337

Learning to Love.....339
Learning to "Flow".....341
Learning Autogenics.....342



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