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Lost In Dreams by Will Foreman contains three poems--one long and two short--that are intended to give voice, not just to the "spirit," but to the very heart and soul of democracy.

Sometimes the voice of reason, sometimes erotic, angry, or "crawling naked and alone," Will Foreman speaks to the centuries of unfulfilled hopes and dreams for an authentically democratic society.

In other books, Dr. Foreman addresses the theory and practice of democracy, including the desperate need for reform. He has previously proposed dramatically new ways to understand the evolution of democracy as well as the incipient role of the Internet, but in this little book he reveals himself to be a poet whose passion and sensitivity calls forth from each of us a "voice for the spirit of democracy."

The front cover art, entitled The Roamers, is provided for this book by the artist/muralist T. Scott Sayre. It shows well the forces that pull us in different directions as we move among the various levels of waking and dreaming.

T. Scott Sayre lives in the Sierra Foothills with his wife and model, Diana, and their children. Scott also maintains a studio in the Bay Area. He is now working on a marble sculpture depicting the family of Homo syntropicus and on a mural portraying the world history of democracy.

Dr. Foreman lives in the San Francisco Bay Area. He is presently at work on his fifth book,American Democracy: The Next Step, in the series On Democracy In Time.

Other books in that series are:

Creating Democracy In Time: A Strategy for Human Survival in the 21st Century, Pensema, 1994.

The Universal Model: A Democratic Constitution for the Third Millennium, Pensema, 1995.

Creative Democracy and the Internet: A Construction Manual for the Post-Modern World, Pensema, 1996.

Pensema Publishing Company publishes literature and art that is constructive in relation to major problems in the post-modern world. Pensema means thoughtful in Esperanto.

The Center for the Evolution of Democracy, a nonprofit corporation, was established for the purpose of making new ideas about democracy available through literature, art, seminars, and consultations.

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copyright ©1996 Pensema Publishing Company
Most recent update: 21 February 96
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