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The Universal Model:

A Democratic Constitution for the Third Millennium

A Brief Description

The Universal Model: A Democratic Constitution for the Third Millennium by Will Foreman contains important proposals for the rejuvenation of modern democracies.

Addressing many of the glaring deficits that persist in the constitutions of most of today's existing democracies, Foreman proposes a model constitution, based on the theory of democracy outlined in his previous book: Creating Democracy in Time.

He asserts that this model's universal appeal is located in its ability to "meet the demands for human survival and to facilitate the evolution of the human species to higher levels of adaptive intelligence." Providing a basis for the purposeful integration of both local and global system goals, for the improvement of the human species, and for the renewal of the Earthıs biosphere, The Universal Model is an invitation to join with others in the realization of a new, democratic covenant for the coming millennium.

The front cover painting was done especially for this book by the artist/muralist T. Scott Sayre. It depicts the human species as an artist with a self-reflexive canvas, moving through successive frames of time.

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copyright İ1996 Pensema Publishing Company
Most recent update: 24 March 96
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