Remembering the Milk Trains
The Modern Technique of Handling
Reprinted from the October 1947 Boston &
Maine Railroad Magazine
in the collection of A. E. Moquin
(1) Modern collecting station at
Enfield, N.H., where cans of milk from farms are dumped, as shown by man at right, into a
"weigh-scale" tank, from which it is piped to cooling tanks, and thence to a
railroad tank car. |
(2) Cans of cream arrive in carloads from the west, and
this picture shows how they are unloaded to a conveyor belt leading to the processing
plant. |

(3) The modern way of transporting milk, huge tanks in
either end of a milk car, which keep the milk at the same temperature from the time it is
piped into the car until it is piped out. This car has just been emptied and workers are
about to dismantle the pipeline and go inside the tank to scrub and sterilize it. |
(4) Bottles are automatically filled and capped by
ingenious machines such as that shown here, and then move along conveyor belts to be
loaded into cases. |
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"From Cow to Consumer"
an article from the same issue.