Recent Newsliners
Please note:
Although the index below has not been updated in quite a while due to time constraints,
the Rutland Railroad Historical Society continues to publish the
quarterly Newsliner in a timely fashion. Thanks to editor Bruce
Curry and a legion of contributors every issue of this excellent publication is
an invaluable resource for the historian, modeler and fan. You can support the RRHS and
fill out your Newsliner collection by ordering available back issues from RRHS
member Will Davis.
As this is written in August 2003 Volume 3, #1 right through to the current issue (volume
15, #2) are available. However, there are less than ten (10) copies left of the following
Volumes 3, #1
Volume 6, #4
Volume 7, #1
Volume12, #1
For details and a free index please contact Will Davis
RRHS Back Issues
c/o Will Davis
4 Wilhelmina Way
Glenmont, NY 12077
The Rutland Newsliner for Fall 2000
(Volume 12, Number 3)
Rutland Convention Report by Jeff English
RRHS Archives Report by Ralph Notaristefano
Telephone and Telegraph on the Rutland by Steve Mumley
Shaughnessy Remembers the Corkscrew by Jim Shaughnessy
Oral History Project: James Edwin Baker/James E Baker by Bob Jones
Interchange Reports -- Norwood, NY, March 1959
Also: Bulletin Board, Markers, Outstanding Photos

The Rutland Newsliner for Summer 2000
(Volume 12, Number 2)
Rutland at Night by Jim Shaughnessy
Highlighting Vermont Rail System by Bruce Curry
A Tale of Two Locomotive Rosters by Bruce Curry
Rutland Railway/VRS Diesel Rosters
VRS Motive Power Now Retired
The Flyer Returns to North Bennington by
George Dutka
Rutland-Canadian Railroad Company Prospectus, 1899
Correspondence with Rutland Railway re: Rutland-Canadian (March 1959) by
Jim Shaughnessy
Edwill Brown Remembers: Train Trips from Rutland to New Jersey by Edwill
Photo Highlights of the 14th Annual RRHS Convention (Rutland May 6-7)
Bulletin Board, Markers, Outstanding Photos |
The Rutland Newsliner for Spring 2000
(Volume 12, Number 1)
Imagine-eering the Rutland by Bruce Curry
Rutland 7000-series 36-foot Box Cars by Jeff English
Sidney M. Rodgers (Oral History) by Neville Rodgers Mulock
Shaughnessy in Rutland by Jim Shaughnessy
Track Plan, Rutland Yard (1939) by Glenn Annis
The Rutland at Grande Isle (a Vermont cameo, 1940) by Bruce Curry
Strasburg Restores Rutland 6081 by Edwill Brown
Saving the Bellows Falls Freight House by George Dutka
Bulletin Board
Outstanding Photos |
The Rutland Newsliner for Winter 1999
(Volume 11, Number 4)
(L-1 Mountain Issue) Feature Articles:
The L-1s - Queens of the Fleet by Bruce Curry
When the "Flyer" was Green by Edwill H. Brown
Rutland "Green Hornets" by Bruce Curry
The Rutland Modeler by Christopher Martin
Rutland RR Equipment Preservation by Ray Muntz, et al
Bulletin Board
RRHS E-mail Directory
Outstanding Photos and Charts |
The Rutland Newsliner for Fall 1999
(Volume 11, Number 3)
"45th Anniversary Remembrance" Issue Feature Articles:
Now That's An "Insignia" by Bruce Curry
Riding the Rutland by Bicycle by Phil Jordan
Scuttlebutt from the Roundhouse (Pt. 2) by Edwill H. Brown
PS-1 in "The Carbuilder" magazine by Glenn Annis
The Story Behind Rutland PS-1 Boxcars 100-107 by Christopher Martin
Modeling Rutland PS-1 Boxcars by Richard F. Dermody
Then and Now: Combine #255 by Ralph Notaristefano
Oral History Project: Ken Linahan by Phil Jordan
Rutland Railroad Memorabilia - Keys, Locks & Switch Lantern by Ray
PS-1 Painting-Lettering Diagram from the collection of Glenn Annis
Bulletin Board
Update to "Manchester Station" (previous article)
Email Directory update
Rutland Interchange
And, of course, Lots of Great Photos! |
The Rutland Newsliner is published quarterly and mailed free to current
members of the Rutland Railroad Historical Society. If you would like to know more
about the RRHS, just [click here].