
 my apartment



 chicken wire mother  

 unreal city




What this is about:

These pages contain a bunch of projects that started as paintings, essays, drawings, or late night ramblings but came together in the form of hypertext and RGB graphics.

Tired of the Same Old Barbie? Check out The Distorted Barbie to see the plastic princess as you've never seen her before.

Looking for Images? Unreal City is a close up look at the walls of Soho and the Lower East side of Manhattan, where layers of posters form spontaneous and beautiful collages. Or browse through computer art, paintings and comics in the Gallery.

In the mood for words? Read The Puritans, a brief hypertext essay that looks at sex and repression in advertising and the media, or Chicken Wire Mother, another hypertext work about a bizarre psychology experiment that led several rhesus monkeys into a life of crime. Cultural Prosthetics explores the true meaning of American Cheese. Estate of Mind is some illustrated quotes from the poetry of Wallace Stevens.

NeED SpaCe? try Negative Space (Scanner Abuse), my attempt to scan my entire apartment, one thang at a time.

Want Links? W E B S P O T T I N G is a list of Links to some web sites that I enjoy, with emphasis on sites that treat hypertext as an art medium.

Comments? Criticism? Crises? email

Updated april 15 1997 (new in Negative Space Fish, Twinkie and Sonogram)

by mark napier