Ubu Web: Links

This page is our attempt to provide a comprehensive list of links to Pere Ubu-related information on the Internet as well as a (more or less random) sampling of links to other sites we believe may be of interest to Ubu fans. The page is updated frequently * and new links are (helpfully) marked "New Link!" To make the page easier to use we've divided it into 6 sections (you can use the links at the top of the page to jump directly to any of the sections). Please send any comments, suggestions or corrections regarding this page to obo@dnai.com.

* March 1997- Apologies for the lack of updates over the last few months. Thanks to all who have submitted new links, suggestions, corrections & etc. Keep those e-cards 'n' e-letters comin'.


Ubu-Related Web Pages

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Ubu Articles, Interviews, Reviews & etc.

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Other Bands & Artists

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Other Musical Stuff

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Philosophy, Art, Literature & etc.

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The Ubu Web Links Page was last updated on March 9th, 1997.
Please send any comments, suggestions or corrections to obo@dnai.com.

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