Continental Congruence is a Coincidence

An Alternative to Pangaea

Continents on planets are formed by processes quite different from mere tectonic plate movement because interstellar electromagnetic transmission cyclically grows the plates and makes them appear to move. Planetary absolute motion, Doppler theory, electromagnetic transmission and reception, as well as stagnation, all act synergistically as evidenced by hysteresis, and the 160 minute solar pulse phenomenon, The Schriefer Unified Theory explains how observed universal action is woven together by one set of natural principles.

Schriefer Unified Theory© SERIES

Click on the above thumbnail to enlarge a map of the world with the mirrored and inverted shape of Australia superimposed over North America. The red image of Australia is positioned with Brisbane coincident with San Francisco. The coast lines of both continents match. The violet image of Australia superimposed over North America more eastward shows that the other coastlines of both continents match. More complex combined rotations and translations cause the superimposed image of Australia to even coincide with coastlines at Hudson Bay. Follow the step-by-step column to the right. Then try the same approach for yourself using Italy and New Zealand. Find other continental coasts, volcano and mountain features, as well as bodies of water with coincident shapes.


What on earth is happening? Are the continents New Zealand and Italy a matching pair of boots? How are San Francisco, California and Brisbane, Australia related? In general, why are so many continental coastlines on earth congruent with other inverted-mirrored continental coastlines? Does the highly publicized theory of Pangaea adequately describe how continents were formed on our planet earth and other planets; or, does the evidence for Pangaea support an entirely different theoretical concept that relates to all observed phenomenae in the universe?

The answers to these, and many other puzzling questions, lie in revolutionary discoveries by Howard Lawrence Schriefer in pursuit of a Unified Theory of the universe. [Click on thumbnail at left to enlarge]



North America is shown, left, in the first view of earth, with San Francisco, CA at the center of the global projection.


The continent of Australia is shown, left, in the second view of earth, with Brisbane at the center of another global projection. Reorienting Australia and superimposing it upon North America will show congruent or coincident continental coastlines of the two land masses.


Rotating the continent of Australia about the center of the earth view gives the inverted mirror image shown in the illustration to the left. Looks similar to North America, doesn't it? Superimposing this image upon the continent of North America in the next lower illustration, with Brisbane coincident upon San Francisco, shows congruent coastlines at the Pacific. Continued translation and/or rotation of Australia shows many other coastlines and land masses similar and/or congruent.


Two other diametrically opposite land masses to try with this procedure are Italy and New Zealand. Form the inverted mirror image of one with respect to the other. For coincident points, use Naples and Wanganui. Notice the similar mountain ranges and rivers as well as the coastlines.

Seems as though similar if not same influences are associated with the diametrically opposite land masses.



Qualitatively, energy from the panorama of galactic space reaches and opposes energy from a star, such as our sun. This opposing energy stagnates around the star (sun) and/or is resultingly redirected back to receptive regions in space as naturally suitable, given energy levels and available mass to continuously form dynamic planetary systems with local mass concentrations known as continents on planets. Since the panorama constantly shifts repetitiously year after year, the mass deposits upon earth are locally concentrated, increasing and diminishing with the normal kinematics of the planet.


A likely predominant candidate for the formation of continental North America and Australia on earth is a radio galaxy known as 4C41.17 in the constellation Auriga. This radio galaxy is considered to be one of the farthest discoveries in the universe.


Inverted, mirrored Australia superimposed to show congruency at Pacific Coast.


Inverted, mirrored Australia superimposed to show congruency at Atlantic Coast.


Around 1910, Alfred Wegener began his investigation of coastal similarities of opposite Atlantic continental coastlines. Wegener expanded his investigation using papers describing animal similarities of the South American and African continents. Wegener developed and published his theory of an original single continent, floating on the earth's mantle, and separating to drift apart forming the continents on earth. Wegener reinforced his theory with climatic similarities of the continents; but, he could not explain the physical cause or mechanics involved in the observed similar continental coastlines.


In the early 1960's, marine research extended the formerly prevailing continental coastline theories into plate tectonics. Plate tectonics holds that the continents are attached to a crustal shelf called the lithosphere, about 750 miles thick, at the top of the earth's mantle. The lithosphere is comprised of six major plates and several smaller ones. As the earth's mantle swells and convects, the plates shift and/or tilt to form the continents and the ocean floor. Plate tectonics is the currently accepted theory, and much scientific "evidence" of an ancient super continent has been put forth. The splitting and separation of a super continent into the current continental arrangement, is a geological process called "pangaea." The basic physical mechanics and causes of pangaea are still unexplained by current science.

A revolutionary new concept, explaining the physical mechanics and causes, is now proposed as the Schriefer Unified Theory©, which links the basic electromagnetic matter of the universe to the formation of all planets and intergalactic mass deposits. The Schriefer Unified Theory© is consistent with Lorentz Law, and with a reconciliation of particle theory and wave mechanics. The occurrences of, not only similar coastlines, but of congruent continental coastlines, are examined in the Schriefer Unified Theory© topic of Continental Congruence. Furthermore, a macroscopic version of the submicroscopic physical process of electromagnetic mass propagation and deposit are set forth in the Schriefer Unified Theory© topic 160 Minute Solar Pulse. The Schriefer Unified Theory© also links Doppler Effect, "gravity", and Hysteresis Analysis, while rejecting such concepts as time and temperature, in a three-dimensional universe comprised of only the quantities mass and length.

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An Alternative to Pangaea