Day 27
Kabats the Swordsman (LEDGES 3, Vermillion Vault) chooses to go now.
- Move Hidden Mines 4
- Search, locate (4,2) discovers chits
- Search, locate (6,4) finds nothing
- Search, locate (1,3) finds passages to clearings 2 & 5
Reveals Red Ruins C and Red Howl 5. Nothing Arrives.
"One path down, one to go!"
Feanor the Great Elf (DEEP LAKE 6)
- Hide (6,5) no.
- Move Deep Lake 5
Blocked by a spider.
Reveals Red Dank M and White Cairns 5. Nothing Arrives.
"The spider is really starting to annoy me."
Mikki the Amazon (PINE WOODS 4)
* MOVE Pine Woods 2
* MOVE Horrid Valley 2
- MOVE Horrid Valley 5
- Hire, buy drinks for 4 GOLD, friendly (4,5) Price x4, accepts offer. Pays with the horse, (11 GOLD) and the spare breastplate (9 GOLD) and 20 GOLD.
- Hire ~ cancel activity
- Hire ~ cancel activity
Nothing Arrives.
"Glad you boys decided to join me."
Haggr the Dwarf (LEDGES 3, Vermillion Vault)
- Hide (1,5) Hides!
- Search, loot (6,4) finds 6th treasure in pile, nothing.
- Search, loot (6,2) finds 6th treasure in pile, nothing.
- Search, loot (6,6) finds 6th treasure in pile, nothing.
Reveals White Bones M and White Lost Castle, which contains only Red Vault 3 and White Pool 6. Nothing arrives.
"Gee, I wish I was in a nice cave somewhere."
Atalanta the Woods Girl (LEDGES 3, Vermillion Vault)
- Hide (4) Hides!
- Search, loot (2) finds 2nd treasure in pile, Crypt
- Search, loot (2) finds 2nd treasure in pile, Meadow
- Search, loot (1) finds 1st treasure in pile, treasure card.
"Wow, emptied this site, too!"
Willie the Witch King (AMBUSH 3, Red lair)
* Enchant preparations.
- Rest Magic IV4*
- Enchant Magic IV4* to Purple.
- Search, magic sight (1,3) finds treasure cards, takes top one from Lair.
- Search, magic sight (5,1) discovers chits
Reveals Red Stink M and Red Lair 3. Nothing Arrives.
"Another day, another treasure!"
Xelvonar the Wizard (LEDGES 3, Vermillion Vault) *** NMR ***
- Hide (4,3) Hides!
"What is going on?"
Pwyll the Druid (MAPLE WOODS 5, Large Red Campfire)
- Hide (5) Hides!
- Trade, ally (1,1) BOON, Pwyll snags a free M2/M5 pony, but the Bashkars are now just friends.
- Hire, friendly (4,3) Price x3, declines offer.
- Hire, friendly (5,2) Price x4, declines offer.
Nothing arrives.
"I'm not going to look a gift horse in the mouth!"
Captain Himmelbottom (JOYLESS VALLEY 5, Blood Red Inn)
- Rest Move M3**, making change with Move M4*
- Rest Move M4*
- Rest Move M4*
- Rest Move M4*
* Rest Fight H6, wounded to active.
"I feel better!"
Granny's familiar (DESCENT 2)
- Move Descent 3
- Search, peer (1,3) finds hidden enemies and path to Descent 4.
- Search, peer (5,3) finds clues.
- Search, peer (5,3) finds clues.
Granny the Witch (CHASM 1, Rose Altar)
- Hide (1,3) Hides.
- Rest Magic V6*
- Search, Read Runes (2,4)-1= 3, learns and awakens type II spell, FOG.
- Search, Loot (1,4) nothing.
Reveals Red Smoke C and Red Altar 1. Nothing appears.
"That's more like it!"
Pink Patrol Leader (JOYLESS VALLEY 5, Blood Red Inn)
- Search, loot (3,2) nothing.
- Search, loot (4,3) nothing.
- Search, loot (4,5) nothing.
- Search, loot (6,6) nothing.
Soldier Leader 'The Lieutenant' (LEDGES 3, Vermillion Vault)
- Hide (2,2) Hides!
- Search, enchanted meadow (6,5) takes nothing
- Search, enchanted meadow (6,4) takes nothing
- Search, enchanted meadow (5,4) CURSE (4,4) ILL HEALTH, no effect.
Ricky the Magician (AMBUSH 3, Red lair)
* Alert Magic VI4*
- Search, loot (4,5) nothing.
- Search, loot (6,5) nothing.
- Search, loot (6,5) nothing.
- Search, loot (1,4) nothing.
"I'da had something, if it hadn't been for that meddling king!"
Hrolf the Berserker (AMBUSH 3, Red Lair)
- Rest Fight H5, wounded to active.
- Rest Move H6, wounded to active.
- Rest Fight T4**, making change with Fight T5*
- Rest Fight T5*
* Rest Fight T6*
"RrraaaAAAAAaaaagghhh!!!! Rrreeesssttteeeddd!"
Jafar, Jr. the Sorceror (DARK VALLEY 2, White Guardhouse)
* Enchant preparations.
- Enchant Magic IV5* to Purple.
- Search, loot (2,1) finds 2nd treasure in pile
- Search, loot (4,2) finds 4th treasure in pile
- Trade, neutral (1,2) Price x3, declines offer.
Nothing arrives.
"Their prices are too high."
AMBUSH 3 Lair of the Red Dragon
The Berserker, Witch King, and Magician muck about in the lair some more.
CHASM 1 Rose Altar
The Witch rest after a hard day of deciphering runes.
DARK VALLEY 5 White Guardhouse.
The White Patrol (5,5) doesn't want to deal with the Sorceror.
DEEP LAKE 5 Cairn of white stones
The Great Elf has seen this spider somewhere before.
The Amazon assesses her new army of soldiers.
The Swordsman doesn't think these mines are hidden very well.
The Captain feels better, but wishes his hireling had a better eye for horses.
LEDGES 3 Vermillion Vault
The Dwarf, Wizard, Woods Girl gaze at the vacant vault.
MAPLE WOODS 5 Large Red Campfire
The Crimson Company (5,3) refuses to deal with Druid.
CHASM 1 Rose Altar
The Witch casts Broomstick with a V chit and a
Black chit.
AMBUSH 3 Lair of the Red Dragon
Ricky J. Magician casts Enchant Aritfact on the Book of Lore (Using VI4* and a
Purple chit) - adding the Broomstick Spell (and type V) to the Book
DEEP LAKE 5 Cairn of white stones
Round 1:
- Luring: none
- Random assignment: The spider attacks the elf.
- Deployment: none
- Actions: the Great Elf activates the Alchemist's mixture.
- Selecting Targets: Obvious.
- Spells take effect: none
- Attacks/Maneuvers:
The Spider charges
The Elf swings the mixture with Fight L3* while dodging with Move M4.
- Randomizing: The Spider (2) ducks.
- Resolving Attacks (in weapon length order):
The elf neither intercepts nor undercuts.
The spider neither intercepts nor undercuts.
- Inflicting Harm: none.
Round 2:
- Luring: none
- Random assignment: none.
- Deployment: none
- Actions: none.
- Selecting Targets: Obvious.
- Spells take effect: none
- Attacks/Maneuvers:
The Spider charges
The Elf swings the mixture with Fight L3* while dodging with Move L3*.
- Randomizing: The Spider (3) swings.
- Resolving Attacks (in speed order):
The elf intercepts, drm: +3-3= 0.
The spider intercepts, drm: +4-3= +1.
- Inflicting Harm:
The Elf's Alchemist's mixture does M+++ harm, (1,3) Increased ONE level. The spider is
- FATIGUE STEP: The elf fatigues Fight L3*.
The Elf scores 6 FAME and 6 NOTORIETY.
The Yellow Realm is infused with
Gold Magic. All tiles with
Gold magic flip, including the one with the Flowers of Rest!
The map has been updated to reflect this.
Day 28 is regeneration day.
Day 28 orders are due Monday June 20, 2005 4:00 PM EDT.