Day 29
White Bats are called for today, but they have all been dispatched previously. Red trolls likewise fail to answer the call. In fact, only the Red Lancers and one stinkin' giant make a appearance today.
Haggr the Dwarf follows Xelvonar the Wizard.
White S3 and the Pink Panther Patrol follows Captain Himmelbottom.
Red S2 and S3 follow the Amazon
Red S1 follows his leader.
Hrolf the Berserker (RUINS 5)
* Rest Berserk, making change with Fight T6*
- Rest Fight T6*
- Move and
- Move and
- Move Ledges 2
Reveals White Bones M and White Lost Castle, which contains only Red Vault 3 and White Pool 6. Nothing arrives.
"RrraaaAAAAAaaaagghhh!!!! Clean mountain air!"
Granny's familiar (RED WOODS 2)
- Move Tristar 1
- Move Tristar 2
- Search, peer (2,5) finds clues
- Search, peer (3,1) finds hidden enemies and paths
Granny the Witch (CHASM 1, Rose Altar)
Burn a Black chit to turn into a T Dragon.
- Move Horrid Valley 4
- Move Red woods 2
- Hide (6,3) no.
- Hide (1,3) Hides!
Reveals White Smoke W. A dainty small white campfire appears in Clearing 5.
"I always love the smell of a campfire."
Xelvonar the Wizard (NUT WOODS 5, Small Red Campfire)
- Enchant preparations
- Enchant Nut Woods with Magic III3* and Gold from the Flowers of Rest.
- Move Nut Woods 4
- Move Curst Valley 4
"On the road again..."
Haggr the Dwarf Ceases to follow
"Are you trying to sing?"
Kabats the Swordsman (NUT WOODS 5, Small Red Campfire) chooses to go now.
- Hide (6) no.
- Hide (1) Hides!
- Alert Sword
- (blank phase)
The Red Lancers Arrive.
"More guests for dinner!"
Ricky the Magician (AMBUSH 3, Red lair)
- Rest IV3*
- Rest VI4*
* Alert VI4*
- Enchant preparations.
- Enchant IV3* to Purple
Reveals Red Stink M and Red Lair 3. A stinkin' Red Giant appers, blocks Ricky and stops prowling.
"What's that smell?"
Feanor the Great Elf (DEEP LAKE 5, Cairn of white stones)
* Hide (5,4) Hides!
- Move Borderland 1
- Move Borderland 6
Reveals White Stink C and White Lost City which contains White Roar 4 and Red Howl 4. Nothing Arrives.
"Never could abide caves."
Atalanta the Woods Girl (NUT WOODS 5, Small Red Campfire)
Kabats hands Atalanta some gold.
- Hire Woodfolk, ally (5) Price x4, decline offer.
- Hire Woodfolk, ally (2) Price x1. Hire woodfolk for 6 gold.
- Hide (1) Hides!
- Hire Lancers, friendly (6) NO DEAL
"At least someone wants to work for me."
Pwyll the Druid (RUINS 5)
- Move and
* Move and
- Move Ledges 2
* Move and
- Move and
* Move Ledges 5
- Hide (4) Hides!
"Whatza matter Hrolf? Too fast for ya?"
Jafar, Jr. the Sorceror (DARK VALLEY 2, White Guardhouse)
- Search, loot (1,5) finds nothing.
- Search, loot (2,1) finds 2nd treasure in pile, an axe.
- Search, loot (5,3) finds nothing.
- Hire, buy drinks for 3 Gold, friendly (5,3) Price x4. Decline offer.
"Guess I need to get them more drunk next time."
Willie the Witch King (AMBUSH 3, Red lair)
- Search, magic sight (3,1) finds treasure cards, take top card.
Blocked by the Giant.
"Oh no, not you again!"
Captain Himmelbottom (DEEP WOODS 6)
- Hide (6,4) no.
- Move and
- Move and
- Move Hight Pass 2
Reveals White Ruins C and White Altar 1. Nothing Arrives.
"I like the change in seasons. It makes mountains easier to climb."
Pink Panther Patrol Leader ceases to follow.
Soldier Leader 'The Lieutenant' (LEDGES 3, Vermillion Vault)
- Search, enchanted meadow (3,2) WISH! (1,6) I Wish For Strength (Next Attack is Tremendous)
- Search, enchanted meadow (5,2) CURSE (5,1) ASHES, no effect.
- Search, enchanted meadow (2,2) Takes Truesteel Sword.
- Search, enchanted meadow (4,1) All fatigued and wounded chits return, no effect.
Mikki the Amazon (TRISTAR 6)
- Hide (5,6) no.
- Hide (5,1) Hides!
* Move Tristar 4
- Search, locate (5,2) finds nothing
- Search, locate (6,4) finds nothing
Reveals White Dank C and White Statue 2. Nothing arrives.
"Snakes! Have at 'em, boys."
Leader of the Red Soldiers (TRISTAR 4)
- Hide (5,3) Hides!
- Hide ~ cancel activity
- Hide ~ cancel activity
- Hide ~ cancel activity
AMBUSH 3 Lair of the Red Dragon
The Witch King and Magician face a giant of a problem.
The Great Elf doesn't enjoy spelunking.
The Dwarf tries to teach the Wizard some new tunes.
DARK VALLEY 5 White Guardhouse.
The White Patrol causes (6,2) TROUBLE by hurling epitaths, but (2,3) they do not hurl stones at the Sorceror.
The Captain goes from the deep of the woods to the high of the pass.
The Berserker strolls along beautiful mountain vistas, but doesn't appreciate any of it.
The Druid would enjoy the mountain vistas, if he wasn't riding so fast.
NUT WOODS 5 Small Red Campfire
The Red Lancers (3,5) don't deal with the Swordsman. They like the Woods Girl much better.
The dragon-Witch tries to eat a sand-witch.
The Amazon and her boys are about to say goodbye to some snakes.
AMBUSH 3 Lair of the Red Dragon
The Witch King casts Absorb Essence on the giant using a Magic V chit and a
Black chit.
Round 1:
- Luring: none.
- Random assignment: The snakes see no target.
- Deployment: All the soldiers break cover and jump on the closest snake, S2 is last.
- Actions: none.
- Selecting Targets: All the soldiers and the Amazon target the closest snake. It targets S2. The other snake targets no one.
- Spells take effect: none.
- Attacks/Maneuvers:
The snake charges and thrusts.
Pale SHQ smashes.
Pale S1 thrusts.
Pale S2 smashes.
Dark S3 swings.
The Amazon thrusts her short sword with Fight M4*.
- Randomizing:
The snake (1) continues to charge while (2,6) flipping.
S2 (3) continues to smash while (6,1) flipping.
The other soldiers (3) swap S1 and S3 while (4,5) (5,3) (5,5) nobody flips.
- Resolving Attacks (in weapon length order):
The crossbowman intercepts the snake, drm: +1-4 = -3.
Pikeman 1 neither intercepts nor undercuts.
Pikeman 2 neither intercepts nor undercuts.
SHQ neither intercepts nor undercuts.
The Amazon intercepts, drm: +4-4 = 0.
The snake neither intercepts nor undercuts.
- Inflicting Harm:
The crossbowman does at least H harm, the snake is
Round 2:
- Luring: S1 lures the snake.
- Random assignment: none.
- Deployment: The rest of the soldiers join in, S2 last.
- Actions: none.
- Selecting Targets: All the soldiers and the Amazon target the snake. It targets S2.
- Spells take effect: none.
- Attacks/Maneuvers:
The snake charges and thrusts.
Pale SHQ smashes.
Pale S1 swings.
Pale S2 smashes.
Dark S3 swings.
The Amazon swings her short sword with Fight M4*.
- Randomizing:
The snake (2) smashes and ducks while (6,5) flipping.
S2 (6) thrusts while (4,3) not flipping.
The other soldiers (1) all swap places while (1,3) (4,4) nobody flips.
- Resolving Attacks (in speed order):
The crossbowman intercepts the snake, drm: +1-4 = -3.
SHQ neither intercepts nor undercuts.
Pikeman 1 intercepts the snake, drm: +6-4 = +2.
Pikeman 2 neither intercepts nor undercuts.
The Amazon neither intercepts nor undercuts.
The snake neither intercepts nor undercuts.
- Inflicting Harm:
The crossbowman does at least H harm, the snake is
The Amazon scores 8 FAME and 8 NOTORIETY.
The Witch returns to her former self as her Absorb Essence spell falls inert.
The Witch King returns to his/her/its former self as the Absorb Essence spell falls inert.
Day 30 orders are due Tuesday July 5, 2005 4:00 PM EDT.