Monster rolls:
5 & 2
Melting snows and late blizzards
7 days/week
2 basic
2 sunlight
Mountains: 3 phases to enter
Reward: 3 GOLD/clearing
35th Day: White magic
Day 32
Demons continue to prowl and are joined by their icky accomplices, the
spiders. The Magician, all alone high up in the Molehill, knows this all too
well. Meanwhile, an imp protects its statuary home from unseen intruders
while the Soldier leader has a bone to pick with the Woodfolk leader.
Haggr the Dwarf follows Xelvonar the Wizard.
All the little Woodfolk, except the leader, follow Atalanta the Woods Girl.
Hrolf the Berserker (CAVERN 3)
- Move Cavern 1
- Alert axe
Reveals Red Dank C and White Flutter 1. Nothing Arrives.
"RrraaaAAAAAaaaagghhh!!!! Watch out for low-flying Bats."
Atalanta the Woods Girl (LEDGES 6, Pallid Pool)
- Hide (3) Hides!
- Hide ~ cancel activity
- Hide ~ cancel activity
- Move Ledges 3
Reveals White Bones M and White Lost Castle, which contains only Red Vault 3 and White Pool 6. Nothing Arrives.
"Sneaking up on them..."
Kabats the Swordsman (LEDGES 3, Vermillion Vault) chooses to go now.
Woods Girl hands him some Gold and all her treasures.
- Trade, buy drinks for 1, Friendly (1) OPPORTUNITY (5) OFFER Gold, sell:
- Bane sword (20 GOLD),
- Truesteel sword (25 GOLD),
- Timeless Jewel (34+7 +5 Fame bonus= 46 GOLD),
- second Timeless Jewel (34+7= 41 GOLD),
- T armor (17 GOLD),
- H6/T8 Horse (12 GOLD),
- M5/M6 Horse (10 GOLD),
- L4/L5 Horse (8 GOLD),
- Helmet (5 GOLD),
- Shield (7 GOLD),
- Red Imperial Tabard (17-10= 7 GOLD),
- White Imperial Tabard (17-10= 7 GOLD),
- Battle Bracelets (12+4+2= 18 GOLD),
- Toadstool Ring (9+3= 12 GOLD),
- Scroll of Nature (10+5= 15 GOLD),
- Withered Claw (3 GOLD),
- Enchanter's Skull (17+10-10= 17 GOLD),
- Alchemist Mixture (4 GOLD), and
- Map of Chasm and Ruins (3 GOLD).
Net ... 276 GOLD and the soldiers are now friendly toward the Swordsman.
With no horse to carry it, the chest drops to the ground, free for the taking.
- Trade ~ cancel activity
- Trade ~ cancel activity
- Trade ~ cancel activity
"This is better than ebay!"
Captain Himmelbottom (HIGH PASS 1, Altar to a white demon)
- Hide (5,3) Hides!
- Hide ~ cancel activity
- Rest Move M5 (wounded to all-better)
- Search, locate (3,1) finds passages = nothing
Reveals White Ruins C and White Altar 1. Nothing arrives.
"A quiet day, at last!"
Feanor the Great Elf (EVIL VALLEY 5, Chapel of the Order of Red Knights)
* Hide (6,6) no.
- Search, read runes (2,4) awakens spell, type VII in the Good Book
- Search, read runes (2,1) awakens spell, type I in the Good Book
- Search, read runes (1,2) awakens spell, type I in the Good Book
Unrolls the Scroll of Alchemy.
- Search, read runes (3,2) awakens spell, type VI on the Scroll.
Nothing Arrives.
"That was some mighty fine reading. Hope it didn't bother the Knights any."
Mikki the Amazon (CHASM 1, Altar to a red demon)
- Search, locate (2,1) finds passages and clues
- Search, locate (5,1) finds nothing
- Search, locate (3,1) finds passages
- Search, locate (6,5) finds nothing
Reveals Red Smoke C and Red Altar 1. Nothing appears.
"Hope that demon's Altar didn't get swallowed up in that fiery chasm, also."
Jafar, Jr. the Sorceror (FETID VALLEY 5, Red Guardhouse)
- Search, loot (5,2) finds an axe
- Search, loot (6,2) finds a helmet
- Search, loot (1,4) finds a mace
- Search, loot (4,5) finds a treasure card
Nothing Arrives.
"A nice little haul."
Willie the Witch King (AMBUSH 3, Red lair)
- Rest V3*
- Rest IV4*
* Enchant preparations
- Enchant V3* to Black .
- Enchant Magic IV4* to Purple.
Reveals Red Stink M and Red Lair 3. Nothing arrives.
"All powered up and nowhere to go."
Granny's familiar (TRISTAR 2, Silvery Statue)
- Search, peer (3,3) finds hidden enemies and paths
- Search, peer (5,4) finds clues
- Search, peer (5,2) finds clues
- Search, peer (3,6) finds nothing
Granny the Witch (RED WOODS 2)
- Hide (2,1) Hides!
- Hide ~ cancel activity
- Move Tristar 1
- Move Tristar 2
Reveals White Dank C and White Statue 2. An imp emerges.
"What have you disturbed, my kitty."
The Woodfolk Leader (LEDGES 6, Pallid Pool)
- Move ledges 3
- Search, enchanted meadow (6,5) takes nothing
- Search, enchanted meadow (5,2) CURSE (4,4) ILL HEALTH (no effect)
- Search, enchanted meadow (4,4) All fatigued and wounded chits return (no effect)
Pwyll the Druid (CAVERN 1)
- Hide (1) Hides!
- Hide ~ cancel activity
"Hope they noisy berserker dude doesn't draw any creatures this way."
Xelvonar the Wizard (AMBUSH 2)
- Hide (3,1) Hides!
- Move and
- Move and
- Move Ambush 6
"That's quite a climb."
Haggr the Dwarf Ceases to follow
"Good thing I didn't have to carry you."
Ricky the Magician (MOLEHILL 1)
- Move and
- Move and
- Move Molehill 3
* Alert VI4*
- Rest II3*
Reveals White Stink M and Red Lost Castle which contains Red Flutter 2, White Howl 5, Red Shrine 4, Red Pool 6, and White Hoard 6. The winged red demon prowls over to where the magician isn't hiding. A large spider also arrives. Both denizens block Ricky and stop prowling.
"Double the monsters, double the fun!"
AMBUSH 3 Lair of the Red Dragon
The Witch King looks forward to some travel.
The Dwarf and Wizard realize that the view is really worth the climb.
The Druid and Berserker bide their time to climb.
CHASM 1 Altar of the red demon
The Amazon searches for any sign of what happened to her soldiers.
EVIL VALLEY 5 Chapel of the Order of Red Knights
The unfriendly order (5,5) again challenges the Great Elf to a duel. This time he is unhidden and must pay the price.
FETID VALLEY 5 Red Guardhouse.
The Sorceror picks up more trash.
HIGH PASS 1 Altar of the white demon
The Captain recovers a little, but is still quite sore from yesterday's encounter.
LEDGES 3 Vermillion Vault
The Swordsman counts his cash. SHQ (2) doesn't seem to notice the Woods Girl and the Woodfolk Leader.
The Magician has some hostile company.
TRISTAR 2 Ivory Statue
The Witch is feeling a little impish.
Evening 32 orders are due Wednesday July 29, 2005 4:00 PM EDT.
The Magician hops on his broomstick and flys away toward Red Woods. He must start day 33 with a fly phase to either Molehill or Red Woods.
The Druid runs away, toward Crag 2. He must start day 33 with a move to Cavern 1 or 3 Moves to Crag 2.
EVIL VALLEY 5 Chapel of the Order of Red Knights
Round 1:
The Elf casts Persuade using a II chit and a Gold chit. The Orders backs down on its challenge.
Round 2:
The Great Elf casts Small Blessing from the Good Book and White from the Chapel. Wish (2,5) I Wish For Health, all Feanor's fatigued Chits are returned to play!
LEDGES 3 Vermillion Vault
Round 1:
- Luring: W2 lures SHQ.
- Random assignment: none.
- Deployment: WHQ is deployed, SHQ moves to his own sheet with WHQ and then W2 on top. W1 is then added to the top of the pile.
- Actions: Atalanta alerts her bow with Fight M5.
- Selecting Targets: SHQ targets W1. Everyone else targets SHQ.
- Spells take effect: none.
- Attacks/Maneuvers:
Pale SHQ charges and thrusts.
Dark W1 charges and thrusts.
Dark WHQ smashes and Dark W2 swings.
Atalanta attacks in Thrust with fight L4.
- Randomizing:
The SHQ (3) dodges while (4,4) not flipping.
W1 (2) smashes while (3,3) not flipping.
The group of W2 and WHQ (5) shift right while (1,1) (4,3) neither flip.
- Resolving Attacks (in weapon length order):
WHQ undercuts SHQ, drm: +1-6+4 = -1.
W1 undercuts SHQ, drm: +1-6+4 = -1.
W2 undercuts SHQ, drm: +1-6+4 = -1.
Woods Girl undercuts SHQ, drm: +1-6+4 = -1.
SHQ neither undercuts nor intercepts W1.
- Inflicting Harm:
WHQ does H harm (6) -1= 5, decrease one level, miss.
W1 does M harm (5) -1= 4, no change, miss.
W2 does M harm (6) -1= 5, decrease one level, miss.
WG does M harm (5) -1= 4, no change, miss.
Round 2:
- Luring: W2 lures SHQ.
- Random assignment: none.
- Deployment: WHQ is deployed, SHQ moves to his own sheet with WHQ and then W2 on top. W1 is then added to the top of the pile.
- Actions: Atalanta alerts her bow with Fight M5.
- Selecting Targets: SHQ targets W1. Everyone else targets SHQ.
- Spells take effect: none.
- Attacks/Maneuvers:
Pale SHQ charges and thrusts.
Dark W1 charges and thrusts.
Dark WHQ smashes and Dark W2 swings.
Atalanta attacks in Thrust with fight L3* while charging with Move L3*.
- Randomizing:
The SHQ (4) stays put while (5,6) flipping to his dark side.
W1 (1) continues to thrust while (1,4) not flipping.
The group of W2 and WHQ (6) shift left while (2,2) (6,1) only WHQ flip.
- Resolving Attacks (in speed order):
W1 intercepts SHQ, drm: +1-5 = -4.
W2 intercepts SHQ, drm: +1-5 = -4.
Woods Girl intercept SHQ, drm: +1-5 = -4.
SHQ intercepts W1, drm: +5-4 = +1.
- Inflicting Harm:
W1, W2 and WG all do M harm and all fire simultaneously. The worse they can roll is (6) -4= 2, increase two levels.
- FATIGUE STEP: Woods Girl fatigues Move L3*.
Round 3:
Kabats runs away so that the Flowers of Rest don't knock out Atalanta.
The Woods Girl scores 6 NOTORIETY and 4 GOLD.
TRISTAR 2 Ivory Statue
The imp is annoying the hidden Witch.
Round 1:
- Luring: none.
- Random assignment: none.
- Deployment: none.
- Actions: The Witch burns a Black to activate Absorb Essence and turns into a dragon.
- Selecting Targets: The imp sees no target. The Dragon targets the imp.
- Spells take effect: none.
- Attacks/Maneuvers:
The dragon thrusts her head as her body swings.
The Imp charges and thrusts.
- Randomizing:
The Imp (1) doesn't move while (3,5) not flipping, either.
- Resolving Attacks (in weapon length order):
The dragon's fire intercepts the imp, drm: +4-2 = +2.
The dragon's body neither intercepts nor undercuts.
- Inflicting Harm:
The dragon breathes fire for T harm (1,6)+2 = 8, miss, but the imp is now in the dragon's clutches.
Round 2:
- Luring: none.
- Random assignment: none.
- Deployment: none.
- Actions: none.
- Selecting Targets: each other.
- Spells take effect: none.
- Attacks/Maneuvers:
The dragon thrusts her head as her body swings.
The Imp charges and thrusts.
- Randomizing:
The Imp (4) again stays put while (6,5) while changing tactics this time.
- Resolving Attacks (in speed order):
The dragon's body neither intercepts nor undercuts.
The dragon's fire intercepts the imp, drm: +4-3 = +1.
The imp undercuts the dragon, drm: +4-6+4 = +2
- Inflicting Harm:
The dragon breathes fire for T harm (2,3)+1 = 4, no change. The imp is KILLED.
The Witch scores an incredible 2 FAME and 1 NOTORIETY.
The Witch returns to her former self as her Absorb Essence spell falls inert.
Day 33 orders are due Monday July 25, 2005 4:00 PM EDT.