Day 39
Only one spider arrives and even he is too cowardly to attack one of our adventurers. The Swordsman hires some new traveling companions while the Witch King's companions clear up the cleaning (or is that clean up the clearing?). The Druid travels by pony express and the Witch makes out like a bandit. It is another fruitless day of searching for the Captain, Wizard, and Dwarf.
The Woodfolk and Lancers follow Atalanta the Woods Girl.
Kabats the Swordsman (CURST VALLEY 5, Snow White Inn) chooses to go now.
- Hire, friendly (3,4) Price x3, accepts. Hires white R7 for 3 GOLD.
- Hire, friendly (4,1) Price x3. Hires white R6 for 3 GOLD.
- Hire, friendly (2,5) Price x4. Hires white R5 for 4 GOLD.
- Hire, friendly (1,1) OPPORTUNITY, (6,5) Price x4. Hires white R4 for 8 GOLD.
Nothing Arrives.
"Half down, half to go."
Pwyll the Druid (NUT WOODS 4)
- Move Curst Valley 4
* Move Quiet Woods 4
- Move Quiet Woods 2
* Move Maple Woods 5
- Search, loot (2,1) finds an axe
- Search, loot (6,1) finds M3/M5 pony
Nothing arrives.
"Thank you, Willie, for sharing."
Granny's familiar (HORRID VALLEY 1)
- Move Descent 2
- Search, peer (2,4) finds hidden enemies
- Search, peer (3,4) finds hidden enemies
- Search, peer (1,2) finds clues and paths
Granny the Witch (TRISTAR 2, Silvery Statue)
- Search, loot (1,2) finds 2nd treasure in pile
- Search, loot (1,2) finds 2nd treasure in pile
- Search, loot (1,1) finds 1st treasure in pile
Activates Eye of the Idol.
- Search, Read Runes (1,2) -1= 1, learns and awakens a spell.
Reveals White Dank C and White Statue 2. Nothing Arrives.
Feanor the Great Elf (EVIL VALLEY 5, Chapel of the Order of Red Knights)
- Search, loot (3,1) finds a treasure card
- Search, loot (4,5) finds nothing
- Search, loot (6,2) finds nothing
- Search, loot (2,3) finds nothing
Nothing arrives.
"At least I got something."
Ricky the Magician (MOUNTAIN 3, White Dragon's Lair)
* Alert VI4*
- Enchant preparations
- Enchant V4* to Black
- Search, locate (3,3) finds passages
- Search, locate (5,5) finds nothing
Reveals White Dank M and White Lair 3. Nothing arrives.
"Here, dragon. What some shiney things?"
Mikki the Amazon (ICKY VALLEY 5, Whitehouse)
- Hire, neutral (5,5) NO DEAL
- Hire, neutral (4,1) NO DEAL
- Hire, neutral (5,5) NO DEAL
- Hire, neutral (1,5) NO DEAL
* Move Icky Valley 2
Nothing Arrives.
"Doesn't anybody want to work for me?"
The Crimson Company Commander (MAPLE WOODS 5, Large Red Campfire)
- Search, loot (2,1) finds an axe.
- Search, loot (6,4) finds L3/M4 pony
- Search, loot (3,4) finds M3/M4 pony
- Search, loot (6,6) finds a treasure card
Atalanta the Woods Girl (HINTERLAND 2)
Mounts horse.
* Move Hinterland 3
- Move Hinterland 5
Dismounts horse.
- Move Oak Woods 4
Reveals White Bones W. Nothing arrives.
"A mad dash through that cave!"
The Woodfolk Leader (HINTERLAND 2) ceases to follow
The Lancer Leader (HINTERLAND 2) ceases to follow
Hrolf the Berserker (DEEP LAKE 1)
- Search, peer (3,4) finds hidden enemies
- Search, peer (3,2) finds hidden enemies and paths
- Search, peer (5,3) finds clues
- Move Deep Lake 3
Reveals Red Dank M and White Cairns 5. A sickly white spider shows up to guard its cairns.
"RrraaaAAAAAaaaagghhh!!!! Spiders don't bother me."
Willie the Witch King (MAPLE WOODS 5, Large Red Campfire)
Gets all the stuff the Crimson Company Commander found.
- Search, magic sight (2,1) finds counters, a mace.
- Search, magic sight (3,4) perceives spells, there are none.
- Search, magic sight (5,1) discovers chits
- Search, magic sight (3,6) finds nothing
Nothing arrives.
"This Magic Sight isn't very magical."
Xelvonar the Wizard (MOLEHILL 4, Shrine to a red demon)
- Rest Magic IV4*
- Alert Magic IV4*
- Search, magic sight (4,2) perceives spells
- Search, magic sight (5,6) finds nothing
Reveals White Stink M and Red Lost Castle which contains Red Flutter 2, White Howl 5, Red Shrine 4, Red Pool 6, and White Hoard 6. Nothing arrives.
"This looking glass isn't looking so good."
Haggr the Dwarf (MOLEHILL 4, Shrine to a red demon)
- Search, loot (4,6) finds nothing.
- Search, loot (4,6) finds nothing.
"There must be something here."
Captain Himmelbottom (HIGH PASS 1, Altar to a white demon)
- Search, locate (6,5) finds nothing
- Search, locate (4,5) finds nothing
- Search, locate (3,3) finds nothing
- Search, locate (5,2) finds nothing
Reveals White Ruins C and White Altar 1. Nothing arrives.
"Who altered the location of the Altar?"
CURST VALLEY 5 Snow White Inn
The Swordsman enjoys some drinks with his buddies, the rogues.
The Amazon heads out on her own.
EVIL VALLEY 5 Chapel of the Order of Red Knights
The Great Elf wishes for more wishes.
HIGH PASS 1 Altar of the white demon
The Captain searches his very soul to find the altar.
The Berserker is glad there is a lake between him and that spider.
MAPLE WOODS 5 Large Red Campfire
The Witch King and Druid share a tender moment around the campfire.
MOLEHILL 4 Shrine to a red demon
The Dwarf and Wizard want to find something.
MOUTAIN 3 White Dragon's Lair
The Magician knows there is a lair around here somewhere.
Oak Woods 4
The Woods Girl Woodfolk, and lancers rest up for a long day tomorrow.
TRISTAR 2 Ivory Statue
The Witch counts her lucky stars.
EVIL VALLEY 5 Chapel of the Order of Red Knights
Round 1:
Feanor casts Small Blessing using the Good Book and
White from the chapel.
WISH (4,3) I Wish For Peace (Combat Ends For The Day)
MOUTAIN 3 White Dragon's Lair
Round 1:
The Magician casts Enchant Artifact using the Hidden Ring and Purple from the Mountain tile to cast Enchant Artifact on the Hidden Ring, adding Broomstick to the Hidden Ring.
Round 2:
He then casts Enchant Artifact using the Book of Lore and Purple from the Mountain tile to cast Enchant Artifact on the Book of Lore, adding Remedy to the Book of Lore.
MAPLE WOODS 5 Large Red Campfire
Round 1:
The Witch King casts Broomstick using a Magic V3* chit and a
Black chit.
Round 2:
The Witch King activates his pony.
Day 40 orders are due Monday September 26, 2005 4:00 PM EDT.