Picture of CED logoThe Center
for the Evolution
of Democracy

P.O. Box 1329, Martinez, CA 94553-7329 USA email: jgc@pensema.com Fax: 510-845-7847

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Virtual Democracy Project

The Virtual Democracy Project is an experiment in democracy sponsored by The Center for the Evolution of Democracy and Pensema Publishing Company.

The Project is designed to: (1) test the feasibility of establishing a virtual democratic community using the Internet as a communications medium for political decision-making, and (2) to test the functionality of a proposed model constitution. This model was created to provide a more appropriate constitutional basis for human societies in the 21st century.

As The Virtual Democracy Project gets underway, we will need volunteers, participants, and donors. Among other things, for example, we need a website, web manager, and operating funds.

If you are interested in contributing to the development of this project, and/or in becoming a virtual citizen and participant in the democratic community model, please indicate so in your answers to the Political Survey listed on Pensema's Index Page.

Responding to the questions in that brief survey will also provide the reader with information about the political views of other visitors to this website. Survey results will be published and updated periodically. Completing the survey questionnaire qualifies the reader to receive periodic bulletins from The Center for the Evolution of Democracy. These bulletins will contain information about the progress of the Virtual Democracy Project and other activities of The Center.

To CED's Index Page, CED's Political Survey Project,
To Pensema's Index Page, Book Page, Art Page

copyright ©1996 The Center for the Evolution of Democracy
and Pensema Publishing Company
Most recent update: 24 March 96
For more information contact jgc@pensema.com