Picture of CED logoThe Center
for the Evolution
of Democracy

P.O. Box 1329, Martinez, CA 94553-7329 USA email: jgc@pensema.com Fax: 510-845-7847

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Political Survey Form

Responding to the questions in this brief survey will enable both The Center and the reader to obtain information about the political views of visitors to this website. All questions relate to issues of common concern in modern democracies. The survey's statistical results will be published and updated periodically.

Your particular answers, however, will be coded and kept in a safe separately from your name and address. All communications will be strictly confidential and will not under any circumstances be released to anyone outside The Center for the Evolution of Democracy.

Completing the survey questionnaire also qualifies the reader to receive periodic bulletins from The Center for the Evolution of Democracy. These bulletins will contain information about the progress of The Virtual Democracy Project and other activities of The Center.

Space will be left at the bottom of the survey for readers to add their own comments and questions.





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Home Phone:

Work Phone:

Email Address:

Home Page:

In response to the following questions, please choose the one answer that best expresses your own opinion. Your selection is made by pointing and clicking in the small circle at the beginning of each possible choice.

  1. The most likely cause of low voter turnout in the United States is:

    1. Many nonvoters are satisfied with the system regardless of election outcome.

    2. Many nonvoters haven't enough time either to vote or to study the issues so they can vote intelligently.

    3. Many nonvoters feel that wealthy special interests ultimately control political decision-making regardless of the popular vote.

    4. Many nonvoters are simply not interested in politics.

    5. Many nonvoters don't vote, because their interests are not represented by any of the candidates.

  2. Some people feel the mass media undermine democracy because:

    1. The privately-owned mass media, seeking to maximize profits, sensationalize political accusations and disagreements while often failing to provide meaningful information.

    2. The mass media are dominated by liberals.

    3. The mass media constantly criticize legitimate authority and reward crime by publicizing it.

    4. The mass media strive too hard to present a balanced view rather than what is right.

    5. The mass media distort reality by allowing "negative campaign ads," careless and inaccurate reporting, and a bias toward multiculturalism.

  3. Campaign finance reform can best be accomplished by:

    1. equating campaign donations with freedom of speech.

    2. limiting the amount of any contribution to $1000 or less.

    3. eliminating Political Action Committees(PACS).

    4. public financing of elections.

    5. putting a ceiling on campaign expenditures by candidates.

  4. One of the following statements about "term limits" is clearly wrong:

    1. Incumbents are distracted from the duties of their office by having to raise money for their next election campaign.

    2. Long tenure in office tends to remove a representative from the experience of ordinary people.

    3. Career politicians tend to compromise their ideals increasingly over time.

    4. Only experienced politicians can properly manage government for us.

    5. "Term Limits" on all elective offices would enable more people to participate in democratic self-government.

  5. Lobbying reform can best be accomplished by:

    1. requiring all lobbyists to register with the government.

    2. outlawing all gifts to elected representatives, their relatives, and their staff.

    3. requiring all lobbyists to be on the same low-cost budget.

    4. requiring all lobbyists to present their arguments together in a regular public forum.

    5. all of the above.

    I would like to receive bulletins from The Center for the Evolution of Democracy:

    1. Yes

    2. No

    I am interested in becoming a citizen member of the Virtual Democracy Project and would like more information:

    1. Yes

    2. No

    I would like to join in the creation and development of the Virtual Democracy Project, and I have funds, skills, equipment, or time to contribute:

    1. Yes

    2. No

Please enter any comments or questions you may have about the Survey, The Virtual Democracy Project, Pensema, The Center for the Evolution of Democracy, Independent Articles/Letters, and/or any of these Web pages. Be sure to fill in your name and address at the top of this form:

[N.B.] This Webpage is still under development. At present, detailed and immediate feedback is not possible, but the form can be submitted electronically, or you can fill in the text areas, print the form, then mark your answers to each of the twenty questions and mail to:

The Center for the Evolution of Democracy
P.O. Box 1329
Martinez, CA 94553-7329

As noted at the top of the questionnaire, your name and addresses will be stored separately from your survey answers. All such information will remain securely confidential and will not be released to anyone outside of The Center for the Evolution of Democracy. If you request a response from us, please allow 1-3 weeks for processing and return. Thanks for your interest and patience.

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copyright ©1996 The Center for the Evolution of Democracy
Most recent update: 25 February 96
Contact: jgc@pensema.com