Remembering the Rutland
Rutland 8085 Arrives at DRM -
by Mike Miciukiewicz Rutland 8085 Arrives
at the Danbury Railway Museum I just got home from the museum (1:30 a.m. Friday 8 Sept.) and you will all be happy to hear that the P&W just delivered the 8085 wooden boxcar! They brought it in on the freight train from New Haven. All of our framework and rigging appears to have held up great. Ron [Freitag, DRM CMO], you may want to give Scott [Whitney of the Green Mountain Railroad] a call and thank him for his help and miscellaneous supplies. Image courtesy of Ray Muntz August 26 DRM Work Session
Report Work sessions are now scheduled for the second Saturday of each month. August 19 DRM Work Session
Report Jeff English and I completed removing the rust from one side of the flat. Jeff also worked on the inside. The car was coated with a rust stabilizer that turns black. Progress is being made and the car looks good. I plan to go to DRM next week to continue on the restoration. One more thing - we will need a good photo that shows the lettering on the flat
car when we get around to painting the flat car. I plan to check with Steamtown
to see what they used. Best Regards, -Ray Muntz Pictured here on Saturday, August 19 at the Danbury Railway Museum are Jeff English (left) and Ray Muntz with Rutland flat car 2762 showing the results of two days of surface preparation. One can begin to imagine what she'll look like with lettering! Won't you please consider lending a hand? August 7 DRM Work Session
Report A Monday was deliberately chosen for our first work session at the Danbury Railway Museum because their car restoration people were available to be there to get us started. Of course, being a Monday limited the number of people who could make it, and our crew consisted only of Rome Romano and Jeff English. In our initial effort at actually working on the two Rutland flat cars at DRM on August 7th, we chose to focus our attention on Rutland 2762, the fishbelly car built in 1910. Most of the remaining rotted wood stringers were removed. A few were still solid enough to resist our attempts to break them free of their rusted carriage bolts. Freeing the bolts will have to wait for a cutting torch, which was not available to us that day. After assessing what would be the most effective use of our time for the day, we decided that making some sort of visible impact would help build enthusiasm for more people to come and help out, so we removed all the loose, scaly rust from the face of one half of one side sill. We used hand grinders with wire brush attachments to do this. Then we applied a chemical primer called "Extend" which is formulated to react with the thin layer of iron oxide to form a protective layer bonded to the metal. This layer is a good base for application of paint, and can sit exposed for quite a while before paint is applied while still protecting the metal from further corrosion. Thus this process can stretch out over some period of time. The work we did represents a small fraction, less than 1 or 2 percent, of the total surface area that needs to be so treated. We need to get a lot of volunteers coming on August 19th and 26th to get this project moving along. Remember, many hands make light work. If you have an electric hand grinder bring it along and join the effort. The museum only has a few grinders. With a number of people working simultaneously we'd expect quite a dust cloud to be generated, so volunteers are encouraged to get a good respirator and goggles. Again, DRM's supply of these accoutrements is limited. The 2762 needs some metal repair that goes beyond the cosmetic, particularly body bolster webs which are badly rusted through. We may have a volunteer coming on the 26th who is a good welder, but if we don't come up with our own, DRM's welders will help us out. The wire brush/Extend primer effort does not have to wait for the welding work, and can even be going on simultaneously. The more people we have helping, the sooner we'll get through this process and be able to move on to painting. We're looking forward to seeing you among the Rutland faithful who will come out and help restore the 2762. An Update: Lisbon,
NY Depot and Grist Mill Preservation The eleven member committee continues to raise money in an effort to restore the the former Rutland Railroad depot. Volunteers have been cleaning up the old depot with the intention of having it open to the public on August 19, 2000 for the Lisbon Homecoming Weekend. Although the depot is not officially a Museum yet, the committee is optimistic that the Town of Lisbon can get the depot on the list of the National Register of Historic Places. In addition the committee hopes in the future to have the old Trainer and Colon Grist Mill across the tracks from the depot added to the list. The Museum when opened will not only highlight Lisbon's railroad history but also it's farm history which the Rutland Railroad was major part. The committee has raised to date $1,300.00 in donations. Donations may be sent to: The Lisbon Museum Heritage Committee The festivities on Saturday the 19th will include an historical display of old pictures showing Lisbon's history, a showcase of model trains provided by the Norwood Model Railroad Club, agricultural animals showing the correlation between the farm industry and the railroad and sketches showing the proposed Museum. The results of volunteers' efforts are evident in this recent image of the Rutland Railroad depot at Lisbon, NY which was, of course, located along the old Ogdensburg Subdivision. The committee working to preserve the depot hopes to do the same for the old Trainer and Colon grist mill which is located across the tracks from the depot. Image by Dick Gibson Rutland 8085 on the Move by Jeff English On Monday, July 10, a small group of volunteers assisted representatives of the Danbury Railway Museum in loading Rutland Box Car 8085 on a TTX flat car for its journey to a new home at the museum's facility in Danbury, Connecticut. The 8085 had spent the last thirty-plus years serving as storage in Green Mountain RR's North Walpole, New Hampshire yard. As of 10:30 p.m. the car was secured and ready for interchange to New England Central RR to begin its trip. The car was lifted off its trucks and the flat car was rolled underneath for the crane to gently drop the box into place in the center of the flat car. Then the crane placed 8085's trucks on the remaining open deck space of the flat car. This was accomplished by 11:00 in the morning, and the volunteer crew spent the rest of the day and into the night arranging the blocking and tie-downs which will hold the car and trucks securely in place while in transit. Many of the same volunteers had spent another day last fall framing up reinforcements to 8085's deteriorated structure and securing loose sheathing. This was the first step in preparing the car for transportation. After arrival and unloading in Danbury, 8085 will begin the process of complete restoration. Watch the RtR website for information on how to volunteer to help with upcoming work sessions. A forty-foot, wood-sheathed car with fishbelly steel underframe, Rutland 8085 was one of 300 cars built in the summer of 1924 by the Youngstown Steel Car Company of Niles, Ohio (no relation to Youngstown Steel Door Co.). Built following a New York Central design first produced in 1916, and assigned NYC Lot number 485-B, the Rutland 8000-8299 were the only such cars built with single six-foot doors rather than having four-foot auxiliary doors providing a ten-foot door opening. Allowing for this variation, 8085 and its handful of surviving Rutland sisters are the only known remaining cars representative of the NYC 1916 design, of which more than 17,000 examples had been built. Rutland
Dispatchers Selector Board Image by Doug Goodwin March 18, 2000 During March of 2000 Doug Goodwin and I were the honored guests of Pat McKnight, Historian for the Steamtown National Historic Site, who arranged for us to visit Steamtown's off-site storage facility at the Tobyhanna Army Depot near Scranton. While inspecting the sad remains of Rutland combine number 253 (see image below) we discovered an unusual looking device (above) in one corner of the car. It was comprised of rows of switches, each with a Rutland station name beside it, and an attached ammeter. A sign declared that it was a "RUTLAND R.R. DISPATCHERS SWITCHBOARD." The 253 once served as Steamtown USA's display car at their Riverside, Vermont location and apparently this device was one of the displays. But what did the Rutland do with a telephone switchboard? For answers I turned to my good friend Steve Mumley. Here is what Steve had to say: The case in the combine sounds like the old Rutland dispatchers selector board. They retired it about 1954 or so to go to a more compact one. I am guessing that the old one went to the Nash-Ludlow collection in Bennington, Vermont which in turn was donated to Steamtown while in Bellows Falls, Vermont. Did you get a photo by any chance? I would love to see it. [Rutland dispatcher] Ken Linihan tells many stories about using it [see the Fall 1999 The Rutland Newsliner for an interview with Ken].The dispatchers selector board would have selector keys (knobs like on a signal panel) for each station. The dispatcher would turn the key for the Station that he wanted to call and it would only ring at that station. Each station had a code, like Alburgh could be 2-11-4. At Alburgh station inside the ring box, they had a devise know as a selector that was set to go off when code 2-11-4 was set and would only ring at Alburgh. I have written an article for the Newsliner about the T&T dept (Telephone & Telegraph) and plan to give it to Bruce at the convention for publication sometime next year. Rutland 253 sits forlornly at the Tobyhanna Army Depot Ogdensburg Report I was in Ogdensburg during the week ending March 17 and took a look for hopper #754. About a year ago it was sitting rusting in the old Rutland yard near Hoosier Magnetics. It too has now disappeared. As a matter of fact much of the yard has been cleaned up (the overgrown trees and shrubs removed) and the east end of the yard now has a fence and gate to prevent entry. -Paul McNamara In the Weeds at
Steamtown: Rutland Box Car 8050 Doug Goodwin sent over this image of Rutland wood box car #8050 sitting next to the Steamtown National Historic Site's administrative office building in Scranton, Pennsylvania. It was taken on March 18, 2000. Steamtown's Rutland Relic: Box Car No. 8050 by Patrick McKnight, Steamtown NHS Park Historian (03/20/00) The boxcar in question [see photo above] is a Rutland Boxcar, #8050, built ca. 1924, equipped with Bettendorf trucks, embossed "NYCL". The ends are two-piece corrugated "Vulcans". Underframing is steel. The number "R8050" is legible on the underframe "main sill," and is stencilled inside the car on both top side beams. The car has a steel Murphy roof installed in 1948; "NEW MURPHY ROOF" over "R-1-48" is stencilled on both interior top side beams. The present roof replaced a Murphy installed in 1933 or 1938; "MURPHY ROOF XLA10 33" (or "38") is stencilled within. On the south door interior "6003" appears. This door differs slightly from the north door. It is probably an old replacement salvaged from Rutland boxcar No. 6003; the 6000-series boxcars are virtually identical to those of the 8000 series. The car retains its high horizontal brake wheel. Roofwalk remnants remain. The brake platform, couplers and air hose brackets are missing. Currently painted red, lacking exterior markings. Photos of similar boxcars exist in Nimke's Volume I on pp. 147 and 149. I look for the free-flow of information between the park and any railway museum, railway historical society, or railfan. Strasburg
Railroad Completes Restoration of Box Car 6081
Steve Mumley recently received this color photo of Rutland 6081, which has been fully restored by the Strasburg Railroad in Pennsylvania. Craig Lefever, Car Shop Supervisor for the Strasburg, sent it to Steve because he supplied much of the detail information for the project. According to Steve, "He said that they finished it up last November but just got around to photographing it. [It] looks great and will make a nice addition to Save the Rutland." My thanks to Steve, Craig and the Strasburg crew for bringing this historic piece of Rutland rolling stock back from the dead. |
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