Especially if you have someplace to suggest.
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Al Dawson's Digitoils. This guy got out his copy of Paint Shop Pro, and with no other tool than this, painted some pretty impressive landscapes. Awesome!
Virtual Biology. You'll need Shockwave, but at this site you can watch graphic demonstrations of how scientists now believe the cell works, and other related nifty biological activities.
Doomed. News parodies, in a well-designed site. Better than The Onion, with its obnoxious advertizing frames that the viewer cannot re-size. (I refuse to provide a link to the latter site anymore.)
Stone Pages. European megaliths and ancient archaological sites. Excellent photography and information in a well-designed website.
The Dorsai Maine Coon Universe. You may or may not be a cat lover; this is still one of the more inventive sites on the Internet. There's some Java programming, but the site can be explored without it as well. (As of my last visit, he's made it harder to traverse without some Java ability.)
Gothic Gardening. An excellent, inventive site which fits its title perfectly. Even if you are only peripherally interested in gardening, this is worth checking out.
Monks in the Desert go WWW but otherwise continue living simple monastic lives. There's some pretty good pseudo-medieval style graphics.
The Dead Sea Scrolls, for people attuned to source material and religious archaeology.
French Caves discovered at the end of 1994 in Southern France, outside of Vallon-Pont-d'Arc. These contain well-preserved paleolithic caveperson art. The site has a few photos and some general description of the discovery.
The Crop Circle Connector has a slew of photos from the last decade of crop circles, those disturbed areas of wheat or barley, etc., which have been flattened down in sometimes quite delightful patterns. Personally I suspect they were created by humans with altogether too much time on their hands, but perhaps you'll have another perspective. Most sites seem to be in Great Britain.
The Utne Lens is the online variant of the diverse Utne Reader, with additional stuff including the Café Utne. The magazine itself is sort of like a print version of following random website links (except you don't have to wait for pages to load, and you can lie in bed with it...)
Danbury (CT) community area site, for folks interested in happenings in and around Danbury.
The New York Metropolitan Museum of Art is a little further afield, but worth the visit. Especially in person, as this virtual stuff only goes so far.
Many of the non-photographic graphics on
these pages were found at Randy's Icon Bazaar.
(Others were created by Diann, occasionally with the assistance of GIF Construction Set, and,
most recently, with Paint Shop Pro.) By the way, I just
love Paint Shop Pro. Version 5 has recently been released, and is all that I want in the way of a graphics
program. It now supports layers, a useful feature until now only found in bank-breaking programs.
You may want to check out Royal Frazier's
GIF animation site for info and ideas.
Try the Ultimate
Web Publisher's Website for further suggestions in many areas of web construction.
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