Anarchy Online



Playfields in AO are like zones in EQ but without the long loading. There are City areas where there is no fighting. Monster zones where players go to kill monsters. Political zones where players from different factions can kill each other and last but not least Mayhem zones where anyone can kill anyone who is in their PvP range.

4 Holes: This is a Political zone.

Aegean: This is a Monster only zone.

Andromeda: This is an undefined zone.

Athen Shire: This is a Monster only zone.

Avalon: This is a Monster zone.

Belial Forest: This is a Mayhem zone.

Broken Shores: This is a Monster only zone.

Central Artery Valley: This is a Mayhem zone.

Clondyke: This is a user selectable zone.

Deep Artery Valley: This is a Mayhem zone.

Eastern Fouls Plain: This is a Monster only zone.

Galway County: This is a Monster zone.

Lush Fields: This is a Monster only zone.

Milky Way: This is a Monster only zone.

Mort: This is a Monster zone.

Newland: This is a Monster zone.

Omni Forest: This is a Monster only zone.

Omni-1 Entertainment: This is an Arena.

Omni-1 HQ: This is an Arena.

Omni-1 Trade: This is a No Fighting zone.

Perpetual Wastelands:

Pleasant Meadows:

Southern Artery Valley:

Southern Fouls Hills:

Stret East Bank:

The Longest Road:


Tir County:

Upper Stret East Bank:

Varmint Woods:

West Athen:


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Images copyright Funcom.
All rights reserved ©2001
For more information contact Tenchid