Remembering the Rutland Rutland Modelers The opinions expressed on this page are mine, unless credited to a contributor. I strive to be factual and honest. Let me express my deepest regrets if I get it "wrong" or if any sensibilities are offended. --Jim Dufour More on the sale of Railworks to
Crown Custom Further to the recent post here that Charlie Lehmann has decided to retire the Railworks brand name comes the following, which is quoted from the most-recent customer newsletter of Crown Custom Imports. Allow us to introduce our new company! Our name is "CROWN CUSTOM IMPORTS". We are the new owners of what was formally RAILWORKS. Over the past 20 years Railworks has produced some of the finest HO scale models and some of the more unique locomotives and rolling stock. Our intent is to continue what Railworks started with one significant difference. In an effort to curb the spiraling cost of quality brass models, we will discontinue all wholesale dealer sales. We will be selling direct to you, the model railroader, at or near what the wholesale cost used to be. Buy direct from the importer and SAVE All inventory purchased with Railworks, will be available to you direct. All you have to do is write to us to reserve the new models that are planned. Our monthly newsletter will keep you informed as to the status of the new models. To place an order for in-stock models simply call your order in to us. Payment may be made by VISA, MASTERCARD or DISCOVER CARD. Payments may also be made by Check or Money Order. The new model reservations listing [Contact CCI for this listing. Their contact info is below. -jrd] indicates those models that were previously planned by Railworks and are now among the models planned by Crown Custom Imports. The first new model from CCI is the PRR F-22 HD Steel Flat Car. This car includes a removable load bridge to span a long load across 2 or more flat cars. This car is scheduled for a July 2004 release and is available factory painted and lettered. This is followed by the New Haven "Besler Steam Train", the New Haven FCD Mack railbus, and then the Rutland G-34's including the "Whippet" and Rutland 4-6-0's. Send your reservations in to CCI directly and our newsletter will keep you up to date as to progress. The in-stock listing contains those models that were in inventory as of the purchase date by CCI. We have also received the remaining PRR "FM" 40' steel flat cars and they are currently in stock as stock #CCI-360. All other listed models are in stock. Place your order direct with Crown Custom Imports by calling 631-692-8805. Included with this mailing are brochures of many of our upcoming models and a few that are in stock. We look forward to hear from you! Contact information for Crown Custom Imports is as follows: Crown Custom Imports telephone 631-692-8805 Crown Custom Imports does not have a web site, so call or write to them for reservations and purchases. I have rewritten the following tables to include the new CCI stock numbers for the planned Rutland steam locomotives. If you haven't reserved what you want yet, now is the time to do so. Let's make these models a reality!
On a personal note, I would like to take this opportunity to personally thank Charlie Lehmann and Railworks for taking a chance and producing all those great Rutland models, models that I believe would otherwise never have been done. And I want to especially wish Charlie well in the future, no matter where and how he spends it. Thank you, Charlie! Kadee has Rutland PS-2's on the way!!! A number of readers wrote to alert us that Kadee's web site has announced that the next HO scale PS-2 covered hopper from them will be lettered for the Rutland (road number 508). The image posted looks as good as the previous their recent PS-2 releases. And speaking of the previous Kadee PS-2's, they have been very good sellers and most have sold out quickly. Just a word to the wise. If you are a member of the Rutland Railroad Historical Society, you may want to consider ordering your's from John Cook, owner of the Caboose Corner hobby shop. John wrote RtR: KADEE has announced the release of the Rutland Covered hopper #508 in their new covered hopper series. The list price of these cars is $37.95. Caboose Corner will sell these cars to RRHS members for $30.25 plus shipping. I will be placing my first order by Friday April 23, 2004. Anyone interested in purchasing one or more of these cars should notify me as soon as possible at or by calling me at 802-463-4575. Thank You. John Cook Tidbits From Steve Wagner: "Bowser has lettered
its HO GLa twin hopper for the Rutland. Photo at From John Atherton comes word that Model Power will be doing an N-Scale USRA Light Mikado. An open letter to Broadway Limited Imports Note: following is an email in slightly edited form that I recently sent to Broadway Limited Imports regarding the announcement on their web site that they will produce a model of the USRA Light 2-8-2 Mikado steam locomotive in various road names, but not the Rutland. -jrd To: Broadway Limited Imports Windows can be a Pane (sorry) Note: the following note is from good friend and expert modeler Bill Keay. Have you ever noticed the variety of side window panes used on the Rutland vans? Just
using the #25-#35 series as an example, I have seen photographs showing cars with all
single pane windows, cars with one 4-pane window, as well as cars with one 2- or 3-pane
window. This all probably varied further depending on time period, as well. O Scale Rutland 70-Tonner Article in RMC Trevor Marshall writes to mention that his two-part article on modeling the Rutland GE 70-Tonner #500 in O scale will be published in Railroad Model Craftsman. It is a two-part article and includes instructions on the installation of DCC and sound. Part one is in the October 2003 RMC. Rutland Mikes Announced in Brass Brass importer Division Point has announced a run of HO scale USRA Light Mikados that will include a Rutland version. The subject page on their web site includes an image of Rutland 34. A summer 2004 release date is listed. Railworks Update Pilot models shown above. The Rutland three-window vans from Railworks have arrived and should be on your dealers' shelves (or better yet, in your hands) as this is typed. The examples that I have seen are beautiful! The colors look right, the details are amazing (how about those curled, tin awnings over the windows?), the lettering is crisp, and the trucks roll like the bearings just had good dose of oily waste added by a car knocker. Once again, Railworks has raised the bar for importers while delivering a model of exceptional quality from the roster of a relatively obscure railroad to a small but dedicated group of fans. Everyone wins! Those of you who would like to swap out the trucks in order to more accurately model a particular van should be aware that Railworks has also imported examples of all the trucks used on this run (Arch Bar and the two versions of cast trucks). I would also suggest that this is a good way to upgrade the accuracy and rolling quality of earlier brass runs and kit-bashing projects in your collection. Needless to say,. these trucks would look at home on the cabooses of many railroads other than our beloved Rutland, so don't be surprised if these trucks sell out quickly. They are available from Crown Custom Hobbies. For details and pricing on these and other unique detail parts contact Bob Lehmann at Crown Custom at 631-692-8053. Crown Custom, of course, also handles all runs of Railworks models.
The New York Central cabooses have been assigned catalog numbers as shown:
Details on Consolidations and Ten Wheelers The Rutland G34 Consolidation run has been revised. (see table below). These are due during the first quarter of next year. And the BIG NEWS! The locomotives will feature directional constant lighting, installed working knuckle couplers, window glazing where appropriate, correct number blocks for applying your own number, and factory-applied lettering. Whew!
More neat stuff available from Railworks:
Highball Graphics Releases Rutland Steam
Decals Jim Abbott of Highball Graphics wrote us to announce the release of their HO scale Rutland steam decals. The set is Highball Graphics part number L-167. According to Jim, "It will do two models and is $6.00. [The set] also includes the white centers for the axle ends" of the drivers. We all know what a pain these can be to apply with paint and brush. Check out the Highball Graphics web site at Atlas Announces O Scale Rutland Steel
Caboose Steve Wagner wrote to mention that Atlas plans to release an O-scale model of their extended-vision, steel caboose painted for the Rutland in two numbers, available in both two-rail and three-rail versions. You can visit the Atlas web site at for more information. Democracy in action:
Heads Up! (or is it down???) Kadee has just released a second run of their beautifully-executed PS-1 in the Rutland green-and-yellow scheme. This time the road number is 248. The model is rendered "as built" in 1956 with 7-foot, 5-panel Superior doors. The model features a "galvanized" roof. The Walthers stock number is 380-4905 and the list is $34.95. A sidebar from yours truely: Did this web site have anything to do with Kadee's decision to do number 248? I can only speculate. But I have to believe our earlier PS-1 Forum and subsequent editorial may have played a role. O Guage Rutland Offerings I am not sure how many of our Rutland friends model in O Gauge, but a local hobby shop has a number of Williams #FC36 O-gauge 40' boxcars done up as Rutland #105. From what I was told, someone ordered "a bunch" and never showed up to purchase them. Although this is not a model of an actual PS-1, it may be "good enough" for some High-rail pikes (like mine!). It is available from: Rensselaer Trains and Hobbies Upcoming models from Weaver include: Rutland PS-1 #400 (expected spring 2003) Rutland RS-3 (expected spring 2003) K-Line has two Rutland offerings: p/n K691-4161 - Rutland flatcar w/ Unknown Soldier load New England Railroad Data Booklets I self-publish New England Railroad historical data booklets. I have a series of these
booklets that could help modelers and historical buffs. These are available in limited
quantities. Railway Design Associates Vermont Passenger
Station I believe Railway Design Associates HO scale kit No. 103, Vermont Passenger Station, is actually the Rutland station at New Haven, VT. I also think that RDA is no longer in business. If anyone has missed out on this kit, they may be interested to know that Model Railway Post Office, Hewitt NJ (telephone orders at 800-328-6776) still lists this kit in their latest direct mail flyer (received 9/30/02). The listed price is $15.95 Anyone who would like to see what this kit can look like should refer to photo 5 in the Don Janes' layout article in 2001 Great Model Railroads (Kalmbach). - Jeff Ashworth O Scale Green Hornets? According to my good friend John Young the Locomotive Workshop will be releasing an O scale Rutland 4-8-2 Mountain in kit form. The cost is rumored to be in the $695.00 neighborhood and requires a deposit of $75.00, which probably starts the process of "building" the kit. Call or write to the Locomotive Workshop for further details....and then tell me what they are so I can get the word out! The address is: Locomtive Workshop The telephone number is 732-536-6873. Finally! Rutland Green-and-Yellow Milk Car
Decals Ralph A. Notaristefano of North Shore Depot has just released a new decal set in HO scale for lettering the Rutland's wood milk cars in the late steam/diesel era green and yellow paint scheme. This all-new set includes numbers and material to decorate either a #350 (ex-DL&W) or a #340 series milk car. The decal printing is crisp and clear. The herald is correctly scaled and readable and may be used for other modeling projects. History, directions and prototype photos are included. The set sells for $3.95 plus 85 cents for shipping and handling. Make checks payable to Ralph A. Notaristefano and send them to: North Shore Depot telephone NSD at 631-757-3087. Model by Scott Russell Steam Shack keeps it going!!! Roger Dumas of the Steam Shack has received a new batch of NINE new InterMountain PS-1's painted for the Rutland, with at least two kinds of doors different from the ones on the last batch. These cars are of the same quality as the recently released 400 series except these have Kadee instead of the Intermountain couplers. The new cars include:
All have correct data and printing for their particular road number, etched metal roof walks and brake stands, correct trucks, correct brake wheel and metal wheel sets. They are all weighted and assembled by Intermountain. Pricing:
The numbers available are 104, 127, 159, 168, 239, 256, 288, 345, 376. According to Roger, "We did our very best not to duplicate numbers of previously run Rutland cars by us or anyone else." Click here to read a product review of a previous run of these cars. (Image below is from a previous run. My thanks to Steve Wagner for the heads up --jrd) Yoder Models GE 70 Tonner in O Scale Rich Yoder at Rich Yoder Models has loaned me a pre-production model of his O scale brass GE 70-tonner. Based on the pre-production model, it's going to be a fantastic unit. And with Atlas O doing the RS-1, and a good starting point on the RS-3s available from Weaver, Rich's 70-tonner is the final piece for someone wishing to model the Rutland diesel fleet in O scale. The pre-production model nicely captures the lines of the prototype, and the modeling is crisp. All bending and soldering work is clean and well executed. The coupler cut levers are set up to actually work, if one wanted to add San Juan working couplers, for example, and the model will be available in standard O scale (two rail) and Proto:48. This is a pre-production model, and there are changes to be made. Rich tells me the slope on the hood from cab to front is too steep and will be corrected. As well, he plans to have more work done on the sideframes. The biggest change will be a full cab interior, which the pre-production model lacks. This will be most welcome, as the locomotive's large windows make it easy to see inside. I have only done a cursory comparison of the detailing on the model to that of Rutland 500, but it looks good so far: The model sports the twin headlight and the two sets of louvers on each side of the body, two sets of three on the engineer's side, and a set of three and set of two on the fireman's side. For Rutland 500, the single-chime horn would have to be removed and replaced with a more correct horn, and its location moved slightly. I've just checked the Microscale online catalog and they make O scale Rutland diesel decals (Catalog #48-618). Inside, the model has a powerful can motor -- it will pull the walls off the train room, I suspect. It draws surprisingly little current, even under load -- well under half an amp in our test. All eight wheels are powered via an engineering (slippery) plastic chain drive, and the engine is quiet and smooth through all speed ranges. Rich is considering replacing the chain drive as he thinks it's too noisy. I thought it was nice and quiet as is. The motor will also get a flywheel, although the pre-production model runs wonderfully without one. Pickup appears to be four-wheel, but wipers could easily be added to the other four wheels if required. I had no problems with power pickup during my test run. The model will retail for $299 (U.S.) -- comparable to most better O scale plastic diesels. Pictures of the preproduction model can be seen at, and Rich can be contacted via e-mail at: -Trevor Marshall Highball Graphics Update It may be time to dig out those HO and O scale milk car projects in your closet that have been languishing due to the lack of proper decals. Highball Graphics has continued to add to their catalog with the additional milk car decals, with more promised in the near future. The word on the street is that the Hood's cow placards (two versions, even!) are the most accurate yet. Here is the text of an announcement from Jim Abbott via the Milk Train list on yahoo: Hello Milk Car Modelers! Just a note to let you know I have added 3 new Milk Cars
sets to the Highball Graphics line. First is Set# F-191 B&M #1900-34 50' Black Steel
Milk cars. I did this set to compliment the recent release of the REA style Express
Reefers from Walthers in HO Scale. With a few small modifications this
car will represent the #1915-34 single door cars. The set will also do the #1900-14 double
door cars if someone gets brave and wants to build one. The second is set#
F-193(HO)/FO-193(O) Hood's Dairy "Grade A" Milk Cars with the large Cow herald.
and the third is set# F-194(HO)/FO-194(O) Hood's Dairy "Dairy Experts" Milk Cars
with the Cow herald and banner. All of these sets can be seen and ordered at Any questions feel free to email me
at More sets are in the works so
stay tuned! Rutland Railroad Historical Society 2002 Convention
Atlas O has announced an O scale RS-1 Atlas has announced an O scale RS-1 and will do a
factory-painted version for the Rutland in a "limited edition". Scroll to
the bottom of the url below. (The photo is, I believe, the HO version). RCS now available from BCW John Greene reports that all of the available kits produced by Rutland Car Shops are now available from Bethlehem Car Works. Mike and Randy are still working on future RCS kits and as they become available they will be sold and marketed by BCW. For a complete listing of available kits contact BCW at:
Rutland Car Shops kits at Central Hobby Supply If you missed out on the Rutland flanger kit from Rutland Car
Shops, Central Hobby Supply in Syracuse, NY has several of them in stock. CHS also has
one each of a few of the other RCS kits, mostly structures. [Followup: Bill Nalewaik followed up on Jeff's comments with a telephone call to Central Hobby Supply. He was told by CHS that the caboose kit is a "craftsman type" kit in styrene and that the usual cautions attributed to this type of kit apply here as well. -jrd] Railworks B&M milk cars are here...but
for how long? The recent run of Boston & Maine Railroad wood milk cars by Railworks has already sold out at the importer, according to owner Charlie Lehmann. Of course many dealers still have them on the shelves, but for how long? Given the quickness with which they sold out at the importer and the continued interest in milk trains, one would be advised to move quickly if you have the intention of purchasing one or more of these fine models. These beautiful models were built in Korea by Woo Sung and come in three versions: 1600-series, 1700-series with ice cooling, and 1700-series with Thermo-King mechanical cooling. All three versions are available either painted or unpainted...if you can find them. The enameled Brookside signs, which were such a fixture on many of the prototype 1700-series cars, are included in a separate bag with the models of that series car (four signs per bag: two of the Bellows Falls Co-op Creamery type and two of the First National Stores type). All of the painted cars are lettered sans road numbers, which are included on a decal sheet, as was done by Railworks with their recent Rutland models. [If you need a refresher course on how to properly install these "water decals" visit the Railworks Forum in the Modeling the Rutland section. Read all of the entries to ensure that you understand how best to apply them.] All of the models come with mounted plastic couplers which are housed in a Kadee-type box, making their replacement with a true Kadee No. 5 or a No. 58 an easy proposition. Rutland modelers should take note that although 1700-series cars decorated with the enameled signs normally did not venture beyond Bellows Falls, Vermont, technically they could be found on the Rutland in the yard there. Ice cars without the placards frequently traveled beyond Bellows Falls all the way to the O&LC. Note, too, that the painted version of the 1600-series car is done in Pullman Green, which would date these models to the years up to the end of the Second World War. The 1700-series cars are factory painted in B&M's Passenger Red which would make them appropriate for the era spanning the mid-1940's to the late 1950's. RAILWORKS B&M MILK CARS
For more information on these and other brass milk cars consult the Green Book of Brass Milk Cars in the Remembering the Milk Trains section. Modeling Rutland's 0-6-0 switchers Preface: Bob Ring recently asked if the upcoming Life-Like HO scale USRA 0-6-0 switcher might be used as a starting point for any of the Rutland's switchers. Jeff Ashworth provided the following response. The USRA 0-6-0 is covered in Linn Westcott's classic Steam Locomotives
published by Kalmbach. Join the new Milk Train List on Yahoo! Good friend Rob Davis has started a Yahoo e-list concerned with milk trains. Here is
the text of Rob's introduction to the list. Chat with you there! Soundtraxx Alco sound with Nathan P3 horn Peter Berg and I have been discussing the proper sound combination for the Rutland RS3's. Peter emailed Sountraxx to ask if they sell an Alco sound chip that includes the distinctive Alco turbo "whistle". We also wanted to know if the Alco sound can be purchased with a Nathan P3 horn (the present Soundtraxx web page lists the P3 as only available with the GE sound). Here is the reply from Soundtraxx's Larry Larsen : Peter, (12/18/01) Five Chime Consultants Airhorn Guide is a great web site featuring a wealth of historical and technical information on air horns.The site includes nice images and information on the many variants within a major type, as well as sound files of horns in action -- even sick ones! The page dedicated to the Leslie S3-J horn mentions the Rutland: Though produced for less than a year, the S-3J found application on several railroads. The L&N, Illinois Central, Frisco, Rutland, and the Vermont Railway are believed to have purchased the horn before production ceased. None are known to still be in use today. Check it out at: <> (12/18/01) Don Janes wrote with some comments: As far as I know there is only the Alco sound available that you heard on [the Sountraxx Alco] unit. It does sound good although it is not entirely correct for 251 engines such as an RS-18 or Rs-11. I believe that the decoder represents a 244 egine found in RS-3's. The RS-1's and early switchers had a 539 engine and sound different still. I can remember hearing them when I first started on the railroad in 1972. The RS-1 [GMRC 405] at Bellows Falls also has this sound. All this aside it still sounds great. I have been buying my DCC stuff at a place called Miniature Locomotive Backshop in New York state. He is very helpful and has good prices. He just told me yesteday he has several speaker sizes that are good for HO that I was unaware of. Product Review: In recent years, there have been four releases of PS-1 boxcars in the Rutland yellow and green paint. One of those was by Kadee, a car with excellent detail and a controversy-provoking "galvanized roof and roof walk". The three other releases have been based on various iterations of the Intermountain PS-1 boxcar model. The first, based on the 8 foot door model of the Intermountain PS-1, was a custom car in kit form by Express Station Hobbies. They produced two three car sets of cars, with road numbers 309, 326, 339, 352, 376 and 393. The second group of kits was offered by The Steam Shack following Intermountain's release of the 7-foot door PS-1. These cars were numbered 100, 118, 194, 220 and 295 and were offered with doors and lettering appropriate to the car number. The most recent release is also by The Steam Shack and covers the final series of Rutland 8-foot door boxcars in the 400 series. Specific car numbers are 405, 418, 427, 433 and 444. Most notable in this recent release are the efforts Steam Shack has made to upgrade the cars. While the first release were all kits, selling for about $25.00 per car (if memory serves), this set is more expensive, selling for $34.95 each or $31.00 if purchased in a set of five. What accounts for the increase and in my opinion is well worth the difference, are the additions Steam Shack has made to their first release. Specifically, they have added:
So basically for an increase of about 6 bucks (presuming you buy a set) you get a fully assembled, more finely detailed model of a Rutland boxcar. Didn't take me too long to do the math and snap up a set. I do have a couple of nit-picks with the model, but you knew that was coming. First, (and this is an Intermountain problem) the right car side stirrup should only have a single rung, but this double rung style was a rare Pullman-Standard stirrup that Intermountain has not chosen to correct. Many modelers will probably elect to replace these parts with the sturdier A-Line parts anyway. Second, the riveted end seam on the roof molding should be painted the same black as the car ends. While this is easy to correct on the kits, the assembled cars with the roof walk end supports in position make it somewhat more difficult. With a fine brush or a black decal stripe, it should be correctable. Finally, if you're a galvanized roof adherent, this car will disappoint, as both roof and roof walk are yellow. The good news is that making the roof galvanized should be a relatively easy mask and spray operation. For me, I like them as is. Overall, the model leaves a great impression. The paint job is thin, shows detail well, with crisp lettering and separation lines. Parts are neatly cut from the sprues and mating of parts has been done very little evidence of glue or bonding. Yes, I know $31.00 a car (set price) seems high, but I was willing to pay $25.00 for the kits, and I can't add this level of detail parts for six bucks and I'd still have to assemble the car. In my opinion, these are the best to date of the Intermountain based kits. The finish, lettering and level of detail rival the Kadee cars and these cars are available. My recommendation: Go snap these cars up so Roger Dumas of the Steam Shack will be encouraged to do another run with more numbers. Rutland Passenger Car Decals Ray Muntz sells Rutland passenger/milk car decals in S Scale. There is a limited number available at $7.00 a set plus $1.00 shipping/handling per order. They are the same as Ray's recent HO set -just larger (see list below). Unlike the HO set, the S scale set is only available in dulux gold. These decals were prepared as a joint effort of several members of the Rutland Railroad Historical Society using photos, tracings, and Rutland RR lettering diagrams and they capture the unique Rutland style of letters and numbers. Ray is also selling a limited number of Rutland sets in 1" scale. These are available in dulux gold only and are strictly for passenger cars (they do not include the word "MILK"). Each set will do one car and sells for $8.50. The HO sets are avaialble again in both gold and dulux gold. Stock up now! One set contains: --Letterboard letters for 2 cars - good for passenger or milk.
Copyright Ó1998-2004 Remembering the
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