RayzRealm - Medical & Fitness




About RayzRealm


Spiritual/12 Step









Formerly John Bigboote's Area51, On The Net Since 1995

Give us this day our daily meds
Fitness links are at bottom of page.

Health, Medicine, Science. Bend over, say
ahhh! ,take 2 aspirin and call me in the morning.

Ask Dr. Weil Alternative health guru and author.
CDC Centers For Disease Control.
Mayo Clinic Health Oasis Medical news
WebMD Health Health has a home page.
New England Journal Of Medicine What the docs are up to.
Medicine Net Large medical resource list.
Neuroland Clinical neurology info for doctors.
Doctor's Guide To The Internet Extensive resources
The Physician Advisor Medical subjects, chosing a doctor, etc.
Jeff Stryker Home Page Health Policy researcher and writer.
Navigating The Health Care System Be an informed consumer.
PCRM Physicians Committee for Responsible Medicine.
Healthtouch Many resources.
Wellness Web Health and medical info clearinghouse.
Mindtools.com Mind and body holistic site.
Healthy Thoughts Online Articles, resources.
Sumeria Excellent site! Alternative medical, scientific, political.
Physician's Weekly Doctor and patient news.
The Daily Apple Guide to total health.
Gary Null's Natural Living Articles, links, products.
Wellspring Media Tools for vibrant mind, body and spirit.
The Men's Health Network Health info for men.
American Chiropractic Association
The Yoga Site Online Yoga resources.
Acupunture/Chinese Medicine
Institute For Traditional Medicine Herbal and Chinese medicine.
NOAH New York online access to health
123Relax Holistic web directory
Wealth Of The Rainforest Herbal and alternative medicines.
Botanical.com Great herbal medicine resource.
Shirley's Wellness Cafe Holistic health for people and animals.
Natural Health/Longevity Resource Center A mega list!
Dr. Horowitz Aids, Ebola, Vaccines.
What Are We Swallowing Mental paradigm shift.
Medical News Great resource.
Pathways Boston holisic center.
Top Of Page

Psych Wing (aka The Flight Deck)

Self Help and Psychology Online magazine.
APA Online American Psychiatric Asociation.
HealthyPlace Mental health communities and info.
Peter R. Breggin Psychiatric drug facts.
MPD Resources
Multiple Personality Disorder
MPD/DID Personality Disorders.
Psychology Clinical Psychology Subject Index
Memory and Reality
DID Info hub.
GriefNet Dealing With Grief, Death, and Loss.
Online Therapy Counseling, Toronto Therapist.
The Thomas S. Szasz Cybercenter
Top Of Page

Chronic Illness and the Immune System
Hiv, Cancer, Chronic Fatigue, etc.

ChronicIllnet Chronic and immune conditions
American Cancer Society
OncoLink U. Penn. Cancer Resources.
Cancer News On The Net
Cancer Resources Cancer index from The Mining Company.
Hiv/Aids Resources Hiv index from The Mining Company.
The Names Project See it and understand
AEGIS A mother lode of aids/hiv info
San Francisco AIDS Foundation Many resources and links.
Justice Research Institute Hiv issues website.
HEAL Health, Education and AIDS Liason.
Alive And Well AIDS Alternatives.
HEALaids Home Page Information for alternative treatments.
HIV | InSite Comprehensive hiv info site
Project Inform Major hiv resouce page.
The Test Positive Aware Network Page Resources for hiv+.
HIV Positive Resources for those who are hiv+
HIV Zone I
HIV Zone II Tony Gardner's well laid ouy HIV Info site.
Critical Path Aids Project Major infobase.
The Body A Comprensive AIDS Information Resource
Aids.Org Quality information about aids.
AIDS Project Los Angeles Resources from L.A.
Boston Buyer's Club Helping people buy prescription drugs at a discount.
HIV Cybermall Lots of HIV resource links, etc.
Portland's HIV/AIDS Resource pages Good info.
AIDSMap A ton of resources, drugs and side effects.
AVERT AIDS Education and Research Trust.
AIDS-HIV Resource center at Healingwell.com.
CVS Procare Pharmacy HIV and other drugs, info.
Boston Living Center HIV/AIDS Services.
Positively Social Of New England. Retreat for people with HIV
Poz magazine for people with HIV.
HIV + Me Having humor living with hiv.
The Body Articles from Body Positive.
Yahoo! Groups Long term survivor group.
Wizard of Poz The website for positive people.
HIV/AIDS Gay-Poz Support and research on the net.
H.O.P.E Foundation D.C. Resouces and links.
HIV Search Engine World's largest.
AIDS Info BBS Database
Dr. Boyd E. Graves AIDS Conspiracy research.
HIV and Humor YoLanda!
HIV+ From Out Magazine.
Art & Understanding HIV Zine.
AltHeal Alternative HIV info.
Alternative Cancer treatments.
Top Of Page

HIV articles and journals from various sources, also
persnoal sites containing HIV info, FYI.

Infectious Aids: Have We Been Mislead Peter Duesberg.
AIDS As Weapon Of War Dr. William Campbell Douglas.
Aids Plot This came via Justin in 1991; pretty creepy.
Be As Wise As Serpents Justin J, still alive and well.
Reading List From Justin J.
Things That Make You Say Hmmm Justin J, food for thought.
What Causes AIDS A Canadian radio transcript.
The AIDS Conspiracy Various articles.
One Lone Heron Terry Goodwin's page, personal, hiv info.
Living In The Bonus Round Steve Schalchlin's online dairy.
Bruce Barnes Long term hiv survivor.
Misfit's Homepage Journals on life, hiv, etc. 07/04/00
Wes And Tom's Cool Site Living with hiv, etc. 07/08/00
Buggery.org Aussie man's Journals, hiv info. 07/16/00
Biker Chuck HIV info, journals, links, bicycling, etc.
Rick Wagner Writing, lotsa links, hiv info, etc.
Top Of Page

Major Bodybuilding, Fitness, Health Sites

The Truly HUGE Web Page Bodybuilding
Bodybuilding/Weight Lifting Directory Many resources.
MuscularMen Guide to muscular men, great site!
American Bodybuilding Number 1 Source of bodybuilding info
Weightsnet Resources and links
Muscle Memory The internet bodybuilding database.
Better Bodz Free personal training info.
Forever Fit Mental, spiritual, physical and sexual fitness.
Shape Up America Health/fitness guides.
Fitness Partner Connection Jumpsite
Exercise Welcome from The Mining Company.
StayInShape.com Healthy, lean and muscular
Bodybuilding Topics Suite 101.
Cyber Cyclery Internet bicycling hub.
Bikeride.com Cycling resources and links.
Muscle 101 Nice site with lots of resources.
Bigbodies.com Bodybuilders on the net.
MuscleNet Bodybuilding resources.
Fitness Link Health & Fitness resources.
MenWeb Men's voices.
MenStuff Men's issues of all sorts.
Mens Fitness Online E-zine
Better Body Fitness tips and zine.
A Better Body Articles, pix, men's stuff, etc.
Mens Health Online E-zine
A-Z Fitness And Bodybuilding Links Bodybuilding and fitness
Muscle Head Fitness, Bodybuilding, Muscle Gain Tips.
Adam's Natural Bodybuilding Site Tips, facts, lots stuff.
Zap's Gym Many resources.
Andy's Bodybuilding Website Personal info and resources.
Rainer's Weight Training Bodybuilding, Fitness and Diet.
Dave Draper's IronOnline Bodybuilding and fitness guide.
Lee Hayward's Total Fitness Bodybuilding
Hans' Gym Lots of resources.
GymRat's Bodybuilding Page Lots of links, personal info.
Davin's Bodybuilding And Fitness Pages Lots of hints and tips.
Male Muscle Bodybuilding, chat, gallery.
The Art Of Bodybuilding Lots of resoucres, nice design.
Skippy's New Fitness Page Page dedicated to fitness freaks.
Rick's Homepage Reiki, meditation and bodybuilding.
Yona's Health And Fitness Links to many general health resources.
Ironstar Gym Bodybuilding for men over 40.
Top Of Page