Our Trask DNA (Autosomal) results (thus far) at Ancestry.com;
Ireland 64%, Great Britain 16%, West Europe 12%, Scandinavia 5%, Finland/Northwest Russia 2%
Join our Trask DNA study group at rwtrask@rcn.com. Collectively, we are resolving Trask Family mysteries.
The DNA matches above the 6th-8th generation go to both William and Osmonde Traske. Which means that the three of us are related to each other.
The DNA matches below the 4th-6th generation go to the Trasks that resided in New Salem, Massachusetts during the 1700 and 1800's.
The DNA results support the statement that, "our Trask ancestors came from Thirsk, a region that was a Viking stronghold for many centuries in Hambleton district of North Yorkshire, England and that those Trasks removed to Somerset, England in the 1400's."
During January of 2015, I was very surprised to read that my 2nd great grandfather and his wife, are direct descendants of some of the founders of Lynn Village, Reading, South Reading, Wakefield; John Wesson, Zachary Fitch, Abraham Bryant, Thomas Kendall, William Hescy, Thomas Parker and Nicholas Browne. Five of which are named on the surviving Forty-one Puritan Gravestones from the First Burial Ground in 1644 Redding, MA. My German shepherd partner and I have acknowledged their stone markers ever since 1972 - what a wonderful and humbling surprise.
I have been a member of Ancestry.com since 1998 without a single issue. I would encourage you to submit your Trask DNA to them as well. My understanding is that you do not have to become a full member. I can appreciate that your participation in Ancestry.com's DNA program (a five week process) would end some of your Trask ancestral mysteries and/or reinforce your current confidence for less that a hundred dollars. For free shipping use code "FREESHIPDNA" (no quotes). Also, if you have had your DNA done, submit it into GEDmatch - its free and a good double check.
The Trask Web Pages are dedicated to tracking the Trask surname and accuratly recording Trask desendants. The co-operative effort, started in 1995, has made it possible for us to record more than 33,845 individuals named Trask. Additional surnames represent spouses and their parents. In some cases elaboration was required to ethically define a marriage of cousins.
Our Trask Family information is formatted to be presented and utilized free of charge on the Internet. There is no GedCom © file. We have made a conscious decision not to generate a GedCom file, nor participate in any type of "World Tree" relative to; redundancy, the sale of family information, or the presentation of numbers of individuals for personal gain.
Be mindful, that there are bound to be diversified interpretations and sometimes conflicts relative to family data derived from more than one source. The Trask family information, presented on these "Trask Web Pages", should be conservatively interpreted as an ancestral clue to an immense and complicated puzzle. At the moment, there are more Trask family members missing than those that are recorded. Your participation will make a difference.
The Trask Family information presented here is not paralyzed, constrained or unchallenged like some of the information that can be read in books and articles that are tucked away someplace gathering dust on someone's shelf. These Trask Web Pages are accessed and scrutinized at least twenty times a day, twenty-four hours a day, seven days a week, by folks from all over the world - forty hits per day during the past two years. We receive more than two hundred items per week in the mail. Several of us must record, compile and update the server on a daily basis.
We welcome your comments as well as your Trask family information so that we may present as accurate account of "our" Trask family as possible.
Our Trask family information should never be referred to as "a source" - it is not. However, we do expect an appropriate application of attribution with any ethical form of reproduction and or distribution of the materials contained within these "Trask Web Pages". You are obliged to make contact with R.W. Trask so that there will be no misunderstanding on your part about these and related matters. See the notice at the bottom of each page.
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The Trask Family
Our Trask Patriots
Click on one of the "Push Pins" below to go to specifically associated data, respectively;
Trask Researchers (102) E-mail Address Interest or Link Michelle Trask Allan "Rose" roseritarosy@yahoo.com DNA Descendent of Osmonde Traske Anne and Ted Anderson the_andersons@clear.net.nz The Trask Family in New Zealand Cheryl Trask-Anderson randja@fox.nstn.ca Descendent of William Traske in Nova Scotia, Canada Carolyn and Thomas Arndt TArndt4259@aol.com Descendent of John Traske Sr., named as "brothers son" of Osmonde Trask Monica Barney aj886@freenet.carleton.ca Descendent of William Traske Chris Bennetts eeacab@cosf00.epa.ericsson.se The Trask Family in Australia Eric Bosley ebosley@linknet.kitsap.lib.wa.us Descendent of William Traske Sharon Brook mgbrook@concentric.net Descendent of William Traske Joy Bruce joybruce@microed.com.au Descendent of Jonathan Trask Jr., ~1745 Danvers, MA, residing in Fiji Jane Cantrell janecantrell@me.com DNA Descendent of William Traske Doug and Katherine Claassen ncard@primenet.com Descendent of William Traske Martin Collett mcollett@dslextreme.com Descendent of Jonathan Trask Jr., ~1745 Danvers, MA, residing in Fiji Suzanne Clement catpak@execpc.com Descendent of William Traske Maureen E. Trask Coombs moe5371@yahoo.com DNA Descendent of Captain William Traske and Osmonde Traske Charles Dorian cdorian@email.msn.com Descendent of Osmonde Traske Maxine Edwards amedwards@nl.rogers.com The Trask Family in Newfoundland Lynne Trask English lynnee1269@cox.net Descendent of William Traske Deborah and Peter Flood dflood1@cox.net Descendent of William Traske Doug Frizzell dfrizzell@jaeubanks.com Descendent of William Traske Betsy Trask Fry FrypanOK@aol.com Descendent of William Traske Sharon Garnham sgarnham@yahoo.com Descendent of Osmonde Traske Jane F. Gehring RGEHRING2@AOL.COM DNA Descendent of William Traske Richard Green richard.green@talk21.com The Trask Family in England Colleen M. Grim colleengrim@yahoo.com Descendent of William Traske Iris Grimmett irisg@proaxis.com Descendent of William Traske Suzanne W. Guinn swguinn@gmail.com DNA Descendent of Osmonde Traske Diane M Trask Dahl Gusciora In Memory of Descendent of Jonathan Trask Jr., 1745 Danvers, MA Shirley Trask Hall gsab5243@gmail.com The Trask Family in Australia Penney Leigh Eustis Hanson penneyhanson@hotmail.com Descendent of William Traske Isobel Harris isdav23@our.net.au The Trask Family in New Zealand Veronica Holler sydeney@nauticom.net Descendent of William Traske Tina Hunt shannon@senet.com.au The Trask Family in England Carol Kacenak sheenie@mediaone.net Descendent of Osmonde Traske David Kilmer jlkilmer@atlantic.net Descendent of Osmonde Traske Peggy Trask Kimball pegasusk@yahoo.com Descendent of William Traske Cheryl King Ckng819@cs.com Descendent of Osmonde Traske Carlene Trask Kopchak CJK1LIB@aol.com Descendent of William Traske Marian Trask Lapp jajoyner@erols.com Descendent of William Traske Cheryl Lavoie c.lavoie@sk.sympatico.ca The Trask Family in Western Canada Diana Willey - Ledger Diana@grtm.us Descendent of William Traske Laurie D. Trask Mann lauriemann57@gmail.com Descendent of Osmonde Traske Patrica M. Trask McCarthy DNA Descendent of Captain William Traske and Osmonde Traske Janice Miller JimJanJarJer@aol.com Descendent of John Trask and Sarah Owen Maudyea Miller In Memory of Descendent of Osmonde Traske Debbie Morr dabrat@pitnet.net Descendent of William Traske Beverly Trask Murphy bevtmurphy@aol.com DNA Descendent of William Traske residing in Polk County, Florida Jennie O'Leary jlolearyJ@aol.com Descendent of William Traske Malcolm Onuma onumam001@hawaii.rr.com Descendent of Jonathan Trask Jr., ~1745 Danvers, MA, residing in Hawaii Dorothy Orrell dort@onemain.com Descendent of William Traske James L. Patton j.l.patton@worldnet.att.net Descendent of Osmonde Traske Dennis Przybyla dennis@przybyla.org Descendent of Osmonde Traske Richard J. Riley rjriley@ix.netcom.com Descendent of Osmonde Traske Jean Sanders Jespane@cs.com Descendent of William Traske Beth Sharp eas4361@charter.net Descendent of William Traske Joan Sickles joasickles@ameritech.net Descendent of William Traske Mike and Suzanne Stephens mikestep@idt.net Descendent of William Traske in Nova Scotia, Canada Tom Teuber TTeuber@aol.com Descendent of Osmonde Traske BJ and Wanda wanda.boucher@verizon.net Descendent of Osmonde Traske Allen D. Trask" atrask@whro.net Descendent of John Traske Sr. Becky and Allen Trask altrask@juno.com Descendent of Osmonde Traske Bill Trask wwtrask@yahoo.com Descendent of William Traske Bonnie Trask rtrask@horizon.hit.net Descendent of Osmonde Traske Brian R. Trask brtrask@yahoo.com DNA Descendent of Captain William Traske and Osmonde Traske Christian Trask crtrask@penn.com Descendent of William Traske Carmen Rebecca Trask carmenrebecca@hotmail.com Descendent of Henry Traske 1700's Merriott, England David Barnes Trask In Memory of Descendent of William Traske David Norman Trask dtrask@pivot.net Descendent of John Traske Sr. David Stephen Trask In Memory of Descendent of William Traske David V. Trask dvt@diviti.com Descendent of William Traske Deanna Lynn Trask, "Dee" nutritiousliving@gmail.com DNA Descendent of Captain William Traske residing in Dundas, Ontario, Canada Erik Trask eriktrask@gmail.com Descendent of Osmonde Traske Frank Trask III ftrask@gmail.com Descendent of Osmonde Traske Gerald L. Trask, Jerry gertrask@hotmail.com Descendent of Osmonde Traske Gwen and Stuart Trask nstn1873@fox.nstn.ca Descendent of William Traske in Nova Scotia, Canada James Carl Trask csm109avn@aol.com Descendent of Osmonde Traske Jason D. Trask traskja@vax002.nhc.edu Descendent of William Traske Jennifer L. Trask jtrask@mosquitonet.com Descendent of William Traske Jessie Mae Trask JTrask8286@aol.com Thomas Trask, 1807 Orwell, VT Jim Trask jtrask@comcast.net DNA Descendent of William Traske John A. Trask msolg@dls.net Descendent of William Traske John B. Trask johnb@ajtrask.com Descendent of William Traske Juel M. Trask juel-trask@worldnet.att.net Descendent of Osmonde Traske Lawrie Trask unknown The Trask Family in England LeAnne Trask leanne.trask@hp.com Descendent of William Traske Lowell E. Trask vacuumsetc@vacetc.com Descendent of Osmonde Traske Margaret A. Trask fairsky@primus.com.au The Trask Family in Australia Mary Louise and Frederick Trask Bailey1945@aol.com DNA Descendent of The Carolina Trasks Matt Trask In Memory of DNA Descendent of William Traske Maureen Trask trasker@rogers.com Descendent of Henry Traske residing in Fergus, Ontario, Canada Melanie Trask ja_lady_2000@juno.com Almon Benjamin Trask, 1877 Eaton Rapids, MI Mike Trask mail@freehome4u.com John Trask and Sarah Owen Pat Trask PatT499578@aol.com Descendent of Osmonde Traske Robert G. Trask Sr., Rob crashtrask@yahoo.com Descendent of Osmonde Traske Robert James Trask btrask@cfl.rr.com Descendent of William Traske Robert Jay Trask traskrj@verizon.net Descendent of John Traske Sr. Robert W. Trask rwtrask@rcn.com DNA Descendent of Captain William Traske and Osmonde Traske Stephen E. Trask STRASK1@paonline.com Descendent of Osmonde Traske Shirley Trask Shirley.Trask@sunh.com Descendent of William Traske Susan E. Trask grvdger@suscom-maine.net Descendent of William Traske Susan J. Trask strask@home.com Descendent of William Traske in Ontario, Canada Tonia Sue Trask cintt@twcny.rr.com Descendent of William Traske Thomas O. Trask "Tom" tomtrask@earthlink.net DNA Descendent of Captain William Traske and Osmonde Traske Walter G. Trask walter.trask@yahoo.ca Descendent of William Traske residing in Canada Walter & Linda Trask linwalcou@msn.com Descendent of William Traske Staci Tylczak seeleveler@aol.com Freeman Trask, 1810 Otsego Co., NY Nancy Trask Tyrell excelusa@marsweb.com Descendent of Osmonde Traske Dennis P. Waters dpwaters@ix.netcom.com Descendent of Osmonde Traske Beth Witham bwitham1@attbi.com Descendent of William Traske Dick Walker rhwalker@voyager.net The Trask Family in England, Canada and America Pauline R. Woodman rmwprw@concentric.net Descendent of William Traske Earl & Tanya Woolery hotrodsbyet@hotmail.com Orville Cleveland Trask, 1806 NY Marilyn H. Young Trask In Memory of Descendent of William Traske