Jedwabne (English)Poland's Holocaust and Holocaust, Shoah and Jedwabne
Marek Jan Chodakiewicz, Ordinary terror: Communist and Nazi Occupation Policies in Jedwabne, 1939-49
Eyewitnesses accounts of the Jedwabne atrocity
An Answer to Brumberg's Slander of Poland in "Foreign Affairs" by Iwo Cyprian Pogonowski
"Jedwabne: The Politics of Apology and Contrition" by Iwo Cyprian Pogonowski
Report blames 40 Poles for 1941 pogrom
Polish-Jewish Relations in Wartime Northeastern Poland
A different image of neighbours, by T. Strzembosz
Norman Davies to the accusers of Poland
Why didn't Gross come to Jedwabne? - Credibility of Gross' version of events
Heroes and Victims, by Istwan Deak
Goldhagen for Beginners: A Comment on Jan T. Gross's Neighbors
The Nation reviews "The Holocaust Industry"
Richard Bernstein, "Updating the Jewish Image of Poles"
"We Remember: A Reflection on the Shoah," - Cardinal Edward Idris Cassidy, President, Commission for Religious Relations with the Jews
An interview with the Rev. Professor Waldemar Chrostowski "Who Hinders the Dialogue"?
The Disabling Mode: Poles in Jewish Discourse by Ewa M.Thompson
Polish-Jewish Dialog
Jewish-Christian Relations
The Two Saddest Nations on Earth: Poles, Jews and Memory by Abraham J. Peck
Jews and Poles - statements and interviews
Kwasniewski apologizes for Jedwabne pogrom
Interview with Michal Sobelman, spokesman of Israeli Embassy in Poland - "There is no anti-Semitism in Poland"
The rescuers of Jews in Poland
Polish Righteous - Polish Rescuers of Jews during the Holocaust
A registry of names of Over 700 Polish citizens killed while helping Jews:
The rescuers of Jews in Poland: A parcial list of those who paid for this help with their life
ZEGOTA: Council for Aid to Jews in Occupied Poland
Jan Karski: How One Man Tried to Stop the Holocaust
Reflections on the Holocaust by Marcus David Leuchter -- "While everybody around me knew, or at least suspected that I was a Jew, nobody betrayed me."
Catholics and the Holocaust
Five Million Non-Jewish Victims
Who Were the Five Million Non-Jewish Victims?
"Burning Questions" - Poland's Holocaust Documentary
A Cybrary of the Holocaust
"Poland's Holocaust" by Tadeusz Piotrowski
Poles: Victims of the Nazi Era, 1933-1945
Mass murder perpetrated in the village of Koniuchy - a crime on some 300 defenceless Poles - mostly women and children
Poland's Holocaust; A Family Chronicle of Soviet and Nazi Terror
The Romanko Website. A story of how two people survived World War II against insurmountable odds
German Nazi and Russian Communist victimization of Poles and other European Nations
How Could 5,000,000 Be Killed and Forgotten?
The Holocaust IndustryNew York man sues to stop publication of "Neighbors."
Comments on John Tomas Gross' Ghastly Decade 1939-1948 by Prof. C.I. Pogonowski
Links to articles on Polish-Jewish Relations
Holocaust Committee Corrects Newspaper Errors
Propaganda and Lies... (links to articles in English and Polish)
Israel Shamir, "Bankers and Robbers"
Norman Finkelstein on The Holocaust Industry
Survivors of the Holocaust
Jews in Poland'The Two Saddest Nations on Earth: Poles, Jews and Memory
Jews in Poland
Jews in Poland, a short history
The life and the world of the Polish Jews
The Jew in Polish and Russian Literatures
Jewish Community in Poland
Eugene Lazowski - saved the lives of thousands of Jews and Poles
Polish Catholic Rescuer Asked Jews to Also Honor Uncounted Poles
Reflections on the Holocaust by Marcus David Leuchter -- "While everybody around me knew, or at least suspected that I was a Jew, nobody betrayed me."
Romuald Jakub Weksler-Waszkinel - "When this little child grows up, you will see, he will become a priest."
A documentary about Wiktor Siminski, "Wiktor - The Art of Survival"
Reflections on the Holocaust
Survivors - Holocaust Experiences
Survivors of the Holocaust - Personal Stories
The Last Expression: Art and Auschwitz
Letters do Publishers and EditorsProfessor Iwo Cyprian Pogonowski to the Editor of The Wall Street Journal
Zdzislaw Zakrzewski's letter do columnist G. Will
George F. Will's anti-Polish views by Professor Iwo C. Pogonowski
Letters to the publisher of "Neighbors" and magazine editorsa
Letters to editors and publishers protesting against dishonest and offensive arguments
The Getto uprising - historical revisionism is occurring, and NBC is a participant
Marek Edelman, the last surviving leader of the ghetto revolt: "Without the help of the Poles we couldn't have started the uprising."
Uprising - a response to the NBC miniseries (the Ghetto fighters are poorly served by NBC)
Children of Polish veterans of World War II about the NBC miniseries
PolishZ prof. Tomaszem Strzemboszem rozmawia Antoni Zambrowski: "To tylko ogniwo lancucha niemieckich zbrodni"
Jerzy Robert Nowak, "Spartaczony raport o Jedwabnem"
Polak w Ameryce zada 9 milionow dolarow odszkodowania od wydawcy "Sasiadow"
Thomas Urban, Niemcy i Jedwabne
Jedwabne bez stereotypów
Krzysztof Kakolewski, IPN - Instytut kontrolowanej przeszlosci
List otwarty do Instytutu Pamieci Narodowej w Warszawie (zbrodnia pozostala nie zbadana)
Nieprawdziwe tezy Grossa (niemiecki historyk o klamstwach Grossa)
Hauptsturmführer Schaper, dowodca Einsatzkomando SS Zichenau-Schröttersburg, morderca Zydow w Jedwabnem
Czy IPN ujawni cala prawde o Jedwabnem?
Einsatzgruppen - policyjne oddzialy mordercow z SS
Ameryka o Jedwabnem - w dyskusji na lamach amerykanskiej prasy o masakrze z 1941 roku nie liczy sie prawda, lecz ideologia
Goldhagen dla poczatkujacych (komentarz o ksiazce Grossa)
"Ja sie nie boje spraw kontrowersyjnych" - rozmowa z historykiem, dr. Markiem Janem Chodakiewiczem
Dyskusji, o Jedwabnem patronuje niestety z ukrycia, zasada odpowiedzialnosci zbiorowej.
Wokol Jedwabnego
Stodole w Jedwabnem podpalili Niemcy
Gross przemilczen - zeznania swiadków mordu w Jedwabnem: "za zbrodnie odpowiedzialni sa Niemcy"
"Wy, polscy nazisci". Recenzenci "Sasiadow" Grossa twierdza, ze winni sa wszyscy Polacy
Rozmowa z Pinkasem Rosengartenem, rabinem wojskowym 2. Korpusu Polskiego
Lezajsk - "U grobu cadyka"
Problemy w stosunkach polsko-zydowskich cz. I
Problemy w stosunkach polsko-zydowskich cz. II
Piec milionow zapomnianych ofiar Holocaustu
"Mielismy byc unicestwieni" - wspolpraca sowiecko-niemiecka przy deportacjach
Genocide in the 20th century
"Polonofobia" by Paul Gottfried
W obronie Moskala oraz "niezdrowej" czesci Polonii w Stanach
Lista niektorych antypolskich wypowiedzi
Ks. prof. Waldemar Chrostowski "Kto utrudnia dialog?"
Jerzy Robert Nowak "Kto falszuje historie?"
Tropiciele 'antysemityzmu'
Rozmowa z Dora Kacnelson, zydowska dzialaczka walczaca o dobre imie Polski
Jerzy Robert Nowak "Jedwabne a mordowanie Polakow i inne zbrodnie na Kresach 1939-1941"
Publicystyka - Historia Polski - PoloniaNet
W Ameryce dowiedzialem sie, ze bohaterscy zolnierze z AK, ci z lasu i ci ze Starowki, byli patologicznymi mordercami Zydow
Czego ucza amerykanskie szkoly i mass media o Polakach
Antypolskie oszczerstwa w prestizowym pismie amerykanskim "Foreign Affairs"
O wypowiedzi ambasadora Izraela prof. Szewacha Weissa o Zydach w UB i partii komunistycznych
Bankierzy i zodzieje (o odszkodowaniach dla ofiar holokaustu)
Rozmowa z Dora Kacnelson, "Polski antysemityzm? To wymysl"
Halina Birenbaum (wyrozniona mianem "Czlowiek pojednania 2001), Moje pojednanie
Stefan Bratkowski, Wrogosc a niechec o badaniach opinii publicznej na temat antysemityzmu w Polsce
Antypolski sabat - Jak ekspert instytutu Pamieci Narodowej przeprowadzil "pranie mozgu" nauczycielom
Prof. Jerzy R. Nowak, "Prawda o Judeo-Polonii"
Prof. Iwo Cyprian Pogonowski, "Historia czy Hagada?" cz. I
BooksBooks, JedwabneGunnar S. Paulsson, Secret City: The Hidden Jews of Warsaw, 1940-1945 - a vibrant portrait of the complexity of Warsaw life, and especially of the 'secret city,' a collection of 28,000 Jews not confined to the ghetto, together with the many non-Jews who helped hide them.
Marek Jan Chodakiewicz, After the Holocaust: Polish-Jewish Conflict in the Wake of World War II - this book traces the roots of Polish-Jewish conflict after the war, demonstrating that it was a two-sided phenomenon and not simply an extension of the Holocaust.
Iwo Cyprian Pogonowski, Richard Pipes, "Jews in Poland - A Documentary History." Hippocrene Books, NY, 1993
Forgotten Holocaust: The Poles Under German Occupation 1939-1944
Tec, Nechama, "When Light Pierced the Darkness: Christian Rescue of Jews in Nazi-Occupied Poland," New York: 1987
Michael Checinski, "Poland; Communism - Nationalism - Antisemitism"
Byron L. Sherwin, "SPARKS AMIDST THE ASHES: The Spiritual Legacy of Polish Jewry"
Zygmunt Klukowski, "RED SHADOW: A Physician's Memoir of the Soviet Occupation of Eastern Poland, 1944-1956"
Irene Gut Opdyke, "In My Hands; Memories of a Holocaust Rescuer" - seventeen years old girl, a Polish patriot, hid twelve Jews.
Tadeusz Piotrowski, "Poland's Holocaust: Ethnic Strife, Collaboration With Occupying Forces and Genocide in the Second Republic, 1918-1947"
Eva Hoffman, "Shtetl, the life and death of a small town and the world of the Polish Jews"
Piekarski, Konstanty, "Escaping Hell" - a true story based on five year incarceration in German concentration camps
John Sack, "An Eye for an Eye; The Story of Jews Who Sought Revenge for the Holocaust" Horrifying account of atrocities committed against civilians by Jews in the aftermath of World War II. Long-suppressed story -- by a fearless Jewish author and noted journalist -- of how Jews of the Polish Communist "Office of State Security" (UB) killed and brutally mistreated tens of thousands of Polish and German men, women and children in concentration camps and prisons.
Not for sixty years has a book been so brutally suppressed as An Eye for an Eye. One major newspaper, one major magazine, and three major publishers paid $40,000 for it, then were scared off. One printed 6,000 books, then pulped them.Wytwycky, Bohdan, The Other Holocaust; Many Circles of Hell (This is a brief account of 9-10 million persons who died with the 6 million Jews under Nazi racism. Victims of the Nazi Germany racism in action were Poles, Ukrainians, Belorussians, Russians, Gypsies, prisoners of war and slave laborers.)
Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn, Two Hundred Years Together - deals with one of the last taboos of the communist revolution: that Jews were as much perpetrators of the repression as its victims.Cyprian Pogonowski, Poland: An Illustrated History"
Norman Davies, God's Playground: A History of Poland, Vol. I & II
Norman Davies, Boze igrzysko; Historia Polski, tom i & II
Adam Zamojski, The Polish Way
Richard C. Lukas, "Zapomniany Holocaust. Polacy pod okupacja niemiecka 1939-1944"
Norman Finkelstein, "Przedsiebiorstwo holokaust"
Norman Finkelstein, "Przedsiebiorstwo Holokaust" - fragmenty ksiazki
Jerzy R. Nowak 100 klamstw J.T. Grossa o zydowskich sasiadach i Jedwabnem
Zamowienie na ksiazke prof. Jerzego R. Nowaka "100 klamstw J.T. Grossa" (w USA)
Rozdzial z ksiazki Lecha Z. Niekrasza Operacja 'Jedwabne' - mity i fakty,Wydawnictwo NORTOM
Ksiazki na temat Jedwabnego
MoviesLeszek Zebrowski, Troche blizej prawdy: "Pianista" - filmowa opowiesc nie tylko o Wladyslawie Szpilmanie
Prof. Jerzy R. Nowak oskarzony o rozpowszechnianie antysemityzmu w swoich ksiazkach
Kielce 1946Deklaracja polskich intelektualistow w USA z 1946 roku dotyczaca zbrodni w Kielcach
Kielce 1946 - Mord zaplanowali ubecy
ISRAELI PALESTINIAN CONFLICTSharon May Be Contemplating Crimes Against Humanity
Fahed Fanek, Israeli blackmail to silence critics
Israel - The State of Mind
To understand bin Laden, begin with Israel's Likud
Warsaw uprising leader call for political solution
Battle for truth in Jenin. "Israel insists it has nothing to hide in Jenin. So why is it trying to prevent the world discovering its innocence."
The two men were standing side by side with their hands up when Israeli soldiers opened fire on them.
Jewish politicians, veteran Labour MP Gerald Kaufman, denounced Israeli Prime Minister Ariel Sharon as a war criminal.
Israel Shahak, "Jewish History, Jewish Religion." Zionism, Anti-Semitism and American Democracy
Zbrodnie Izraela
Bernard Margueritte, "Antysemityzm Szarona"
Oboz w Dzeninie - "To bya zwyka masakra"
Attack on the USS LiberyThe Assault on the USS Liberty Still Covered Up
Israeli deliberate attack on USS Liberty
The unarmed USS Liberty after Israeli attack
Israeli Massacres
Israeli Massacres: Details and Numbers
Deir Yassin Remembered (On April 9, 1948, commandos of the Irgun headed by Menachem Begin, and the Stern Gang attacked Deir Yassin. Deir Yassin was slated for occupation under Plan Dalet and the mainstream Jewish defense force, the Haganah, authorized the irregular terrorist forces of the Irgun and the Stern Gang to perform the takeover. In all over 100 men, women, and children were systematically murdered. Fifty-three orphaned children were literally dumped along the wall of the Old City.)
Remembering Deir Yassin
Avirama Golan, Hospitality, Israeli-style (Ha'aretz)