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Gwyneth Paltrow plays a woman who never made something of her life. Reaching rock bottom after her boyfriend dumps her in a birthday card, she sees Sally (Candice Bergen) on TV talking about how she made it from a nobody to the most famous flight attendant in the world. She takes Sally's advice, begins her career, and grows as a person.

What I Thought

This was a very warm, and nice movie. A reviewer described this movie as "gentle comedy" and that description applies very well. Some very funny scenes, but nothing offensive or lewd (I can't believe I used that word). Gwyneth Paltrow positively glows in this movie, even when wearing those cheesy airline outfits. When she gets into her "grown up" blue outfit when getting the international route, or even when wearing the stereotypical beret in Paris, she looks stunning. She's also quite funny in a goofy sort of way.

Two thumbs up also for Candy Bergen. I love her, she has great comedic presence and can deliver lines such as "I'm the one who invented this" (insert the ubiquitous stewardess double-digit pointing). Why DO they use two fingers like that anyway?

Anyway, Mike Myers is also hilarious as Paltrow's teacher at flight-attendant school. Yes, the glass-eye joke is used several dozen times, but with Myers' charm, he pulls it off. Very funny.

So a good movie to take a date to, and you can take your mom as well. Just not at the same time, of course.

On a different note, the funniest thing about this movie was the preview for a new movie coming out soon... That's right, I'm talking about Shaolin Soccer. You heard me. It's about a group of friends who trained with Shaolin monks in their youth (superpowers of strength, flight, etc, included) but who must regain their powers when they join a soccer team. I lost it when the soccer ball was kicked, surrounded by flames, and the flames take the form of a tiger. Or when the Shaolin girl uses her powers to parallel park her car. Can't wait for this one!





All photos and text copyright Ryszard Kilarski, unless otherwise noted. Clip art, drawings, paintings are either free domain or copyrighted by the artists.